Sunday, December 27, 2009

Stopping to analyze my results

So after a ton of play in the past three months, I think maybe I should quit playing online poker. I've been doing really poorly lately, and I noticed I have more trouble controlling tilt online rather than live. Furthermore, I seem to have lost my ability to multitable well, effectively making it worth less for me to play online.

It's not that I can't win. (Well, at the moment I can't.) But rather, it's probably a better use of my time to go to the casino and play. However, this could be hurting my growth as a player. Recently, I haven't really been studying the game much. I haven't been reading or comparing hands as much as I used to. This is probably because I am crushing the game I am currently playing and feel no desire to move up at the moment.

The Hustler just added a new game in December, a 5-10 blind, with a 500-1500 buyin. The game is identical to the Commerce game with one exception. Without a built in player base of regulars, it usually draws from the 5-5 300-500 buyin players. This is an extremely soft $5-$10 game that is running daily.
I'm averaging around $200 in $5-$10 games at the hustler. My sample size is small, and I know I can't sustain that win rate, but I think maintain $80+ an hour is doable. If I can make $80 an hour at the casino, and online I make maybe $20 an hour, what's the point of playing online?

Every Sunday, I put up $400 to $1,000 in tournament buyins. I haven't had final table in months in a tournament with a buyin bigger than $30. I haven't won a tournament online in over 4 months. Why am I wasting my time? Even if my ROI is something respectable like 25-40%, I am still doing much better per hour at the casino.

I think maybe I'll just use online poker to improve at other games like PLO and limit hold'em. It's really disheartening that every Sunday, I just light a wad of hundreds on fire.

But I'm SMASHING live. I guess if I look at it this way, I'm running hot at the bigger games and running cold online at smaller stakes. That's always good right? Last night at the Hustler, I ran really good in a 7 hour session where I won $3.5k, and made quads twice, made two sets, and flopped the nut straight for stacks. I shouldn't whine.

Looking foward to the Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure. It starts on Jan 4th, and I'm gonna take some time to enjoy the Bahamas. Maybe all my tournament run bad is waiting for this. This would be a good time to ship a tournament, hahaha. First last year was $3 mil, it'll probably be a little smaller this year. It's been a while since I've played a live tournament with a serious buyin, I'm looking forward to it. I'm still selling out action for those that are interested in buying.

Wish me luck.
I'll see you across the felt.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wild Session at the Hustler

I was down $7k at one point in the $5-10 at the Hustler. 16 hours after I started, I managed to book a $5k win.

I'm just going to list fun or interesting hands.

I raise K7s in a straddled pot and get 4 callers. The flop is 2s 3s 6s, and the small blind just leads for $400, a full pot bet. Folds back to me and I debate calling, raising and shoving, and eventually I decided to just ship it all in. The guy behind me makes a big show of his hand and then calls. The regular who lead out, turns over 33 and throws it into the muck. The other guy turns over 22 and bemoans the fact most of his outs to win are gone. The board bricks out twice and I win.

I straddle and pick up QJ. Three limpers, and I make it $100 to go. Two guys call, and the flop comes out Qc Jc Jd. The SB checks, and the BB, the same guy who had 22, leads for $270. I flat call in order to induce the SB to draw to a flush or straight. He folds, and we move to the turn. The BB bets $400 on the 8h, and I raise to $1,000. He instantly moves in for $3,800 and I call just as fast. I turn over my hand and he just mucks his hand stating he's drawing dead.

Stakes are now 10/20
I raise the button to 70 with T4s, the SB calls, the BB calls.
The flop is Tc 8h 7c. They both check, I bet $200, the BB calls. The turn is a 6h, he checks and I bet $400.

I think this is not a standard bet, but a good one vs someone who is going to play relatively straight foward. Most people will call with their flush draw, raise a straight, and fold their one pair hands. They may or may not call with two pair. However most two pairs raise the flop, as do sets, so it's likely a ten is the best hand here. It should be bet for value against fluhs draws, and getting raised isn't a concern because you are usually drawing dead when you get raised.

The BB calls the 400. The river is a Jd, and he bets $600. I call and win vs his Qc4c
Well given, the fact he didn't raise the flop or turn we can figure out he probably doesn't have a set, two pair or a straight. His hand looks like a flush draw trying to steal, and most people wouldn't valuebet a J or T on this river. They just couldn't imagine they would get called by a worse hand.

The CO raises to 70, the BTN calls, I call with Ad5c in the SB, the BB calls.
The flop is 8d 7d 6s, I check call the BB $150 bet. I have the backdoor nut flush draw, a draw to an ace, and a bottom end open ended straight draw, which adds up to an easy call to me. The turn is a 4 and I think he's so liable to bluff here, I should just check/call him. So he obliges me by bettinged $300, then another $500 on the river. He turns over Q9o for a busted OESD, and I win the pot.

I think these hands were kinda interesting, and I was proud of them. I'll try to find more later.

I'll see you across the felt.

November Monthly Report

November Cash Games Live $7,520
Online ($350.45)
Tournaments Live ($610)
Online ($1,393)
Poker $5,167.01
Staking ($1,257.52)
Net on month $3,909.49

Played a lot of live poker in November. Stayed away from online tournaments and doing better. I'm on track to actually book a win in cash games for the year, even if it's a small one.

Hoping to find time to put in volume in December, I should be busy with other stuff.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Eventful game of LOLmaha at the Hustler

Tonight I played a 5/10 HA game at the Hustler. HA is the online acronym for a Pot Limit Omaha and No Limit Hold'Em mix. Omaha is a unique action game because with each player getting dealt 4 cards, it's very easy for two people to make big hands.

Anyways, today we started pretty early. Some guy I've never seen before shows up to play. He's acting real cocky, and keeps bragging about how he plays 100/200 Stud at the Commerce casino. I'm not really sure to who he's bragging too cause nearly everyone is ignoring him. Eventually he ends up picking a fight with Miami. Miami loves to play poker, but he's not that good. On the other hand, he's pretty well off (read: rich).
So basically this kid starts talking about how much of a balla he is that he can just gamble for a grand in PLO. Miami is just gambling because he likes it. I don't catch the whole conversation but soon it becomes some ego contest and there are curses flying. Eventually Miami gets pulled aside because he won't drop it, and the kid decides to get up and leave cause "I don't need to deal with this shit. This game is just peanuts, I'm going to go to the Commerce."
Everyone was glad the kid left, even though he was dead money, sometimes it's just better to have an enjoyable experience.

A fun PLO hand

Limp UTG, two other limpers, I limp 3d 6d 5s 5c in CO, BTN limps, blinds complete, we take a 7 handed flop.

Flop is Js Tc 5d.
UTG bets 60 into 70, Zack makes it 210. I make it 500 with my bottom set. (might be a fold, been discussing it). Han (UTG) cold calls, and Zack tank folds. He shows his hand to a few other people, and talks about how sick a laydown this is, so I know he has TT for middle set. I know Han doesn't have JJ or he would've reraised the flop.

Turn is Qd. Han bets the pot which is $1280. I tank and decide to call.
The river is another Q.

He checks, and I move all in. He folds.

I think he knew I had a set, and he knew I knew he had a straight. I should've bet like $300 dollars, cause even if he puts me on a full house he would be hard pressed to fold for $300 into a $3800 pot.

I also ran hot flopping huge in multiway raised pots.
Once 8 people saw the flop for 100, and I had A569ds and the flop came down 557. I just shoveled in $800 of my $900 stack and took it down. Then I had QQ56ds, and saw a flop of Q55, meaning I had the stone cold nuts. It was almost impossible to draw out of me, and I managed to win another $1,000 that hand. Overall I got pretty lucky. I felt like I played quite well though.

I quit up $3,500 for 4 hours of play. Pretty good, but I sold out half my action because my bankroll can't handle the swings of a 5/10 Pot limit omaha game. Last time I played it, I lost a $5.5k pot. Reduce my variance is the right decision for me.

October Monthly Report

October Cash Games Live $5,095

Online $513.02

Tournaments Live $1,605

Online ($97)



Net on month $8,030.80

I won a tournament at the hustler this month. The next day I won even more money playing cash games. I had a 10k week, that was pretty cool
Overall, I've done quite well this month. I finally had a winning month. November is off to a good start too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

15 hour day at the hustler

I went to the Hustler today and played a tournament at 3 PM. I busted relatively early when I got JJ AIPF vs AQ and 88. I was kind of glad I busted, because there was this guy on my table who was really tilting me.

I played the 5-5 game and saw Obama playing. Somehow this Korean regular managed to get this nickname. I know it involves Mike, but I have no idea how it came about. He is a regular fish, so there are jokes about how he bails people out and stuff. Anyways, he's a catalyst for building games, so we managed to get the 5-10 game running. I enter the game down about 500 since I got my kings cracked by a nut flush draw in a straddled pot.

The brown chip game starts and then I lose a really big pot. A guy raises to 40 in middle position and gets 3 callers. I call in the BB and the flop is Qc Jc 2d. Everyone checks to the button who betes 120 into 200. I c/c, and everyone else folds. The turn is a 3h. I check and he bets 280, and I move in for 1100.

What does it look like I have?
Would you fold AQ to me here?

Well it doesn't matter if he would fold a queen, because he turned over two Jacks in the hole.

I had A4c and I bricked the river. I still like that play though.

The night goes on, and I'm running pretty cold. I'm card dead, and when I do hit, I'm always second best. One hand I get 67d all in against 88 on the 6c 2d3d board when I was the preflop raiser and brick. It's like, to instantly get it in vs me without hestistation, people must view me as a nut that could never have aces there. Whatever.
So at this point I'm down like 2800.

I'm debating leaving when George, a friend of mine raises and I call with AJ. The flop is Jd Td 5c, and he bets, I call, and the BB comes along. On the turn he open shoves, and I call and break him for about 1200. He had a smaller Jack.
Now that George is gone, and the two fish left, there are only 6 people several of which are regulars. But they aren't that good, so it's been pretty easy to play. I know I have a significant edge, and slowly chip up. Eventually I am down to 3 handed, vs the worst player on the table.

He is really bad, but he keeps getting the best of me.

Hand #1.
I open 87s from the button for 40 he calls with 92s in the blinds.
The flop is 9c 8c 6s, he checks, and I bet 70, he calls. The turn is the Js. He bets 130, and I make it 400, he calls. The river is a 2, he checks and I check.

Hand #2
I straddle the button to 20, he calls in the SB with T8c, I raise to 80 with J2d, he calls. The flop is Qc Jh 2h. He checks, I bet 140, he calls. The turn is a 3c, he checks, I bet 280, he calls. The river is a 4c, he checks, I bet 460, he raises to 1000, and I call.

On this hand I'd really like to be able to fold the river, but I think he could have like AQ sometimes and slowplayed it or like even a hand like 43, 42, 32, and is value raising. He's so bad, I'm not really sure if I should be folding here. He likes to bluff a lot, but when he bluffs he usually bluffs big.

We are now HU.
I've been chipping up against him cause he plays too many hands OOP and raises huge when he does raise letting me get off cheap. I'm also taking him to value town with middlish pairs.
He is getting crushed slowly, and wants to up the stakes to 10/20. I have no arguements.

Hand #3
I raise to 70 with 5s4c on the button. He calls (you might sense a trend that all the big pots we get involved in, are about him calling OOP. It's probably because that was his biggest leak. I figured as long as I kept playing him in position, I would eventually get it all)

The flop is Qs Ts 5c. He checks and I check, the turn is a 3d. He checks, and I bet 100. He raises to 400.

I'm trying to figure out what he's doing here. I know he knows my range is pretty weak here. I rarely have a Queen, or a big draw. I don't even have a ten that often. So I think he's trying to push me off of a weak pair. He also isn't really representing any hands that are very strong with this line, a queen or ten would just bet the turn right? Same with a flush draw, so I put him on no pair, maybe a gutshot draw at best.

I call.
The river is a Ks. This is a scary card at first glance, but in reality, it probably didn't change anything for either of our hands.
He now gives off a tell I pick up one correctly. Usually he plays pretty fast, but this time he is measuring out the pot and his stack and trying to figure out how much to bet. I am pretty sure he is trying to figure out the right bluff size here, as he usually just fired our more random amounts when valuebetting. Eventually, he throws a whole rack of brown chips in the middle. I hesitate for a few seconds then go with my read and call the $1,000 bet.
Pair o fives is goooooooooooooooooooooooood.
In his heavy accent he says ni han. He said nice hand, but my heart stopped cause I thought he said nine ten. I was like o shit I just leveled myself.

It takes him less than 3 minutes to donate the remaining 1200 he has to me. He raises the button to 60 I make it 170 with KK, and he instaships 1200. I snap call, turn over my hand and hold up vs his ???

The whole match took less than 64 hands. In that time period, I won over $3,500. Sick win rate?
To be fair I ran good, but he made it easy on me.

We ended at 5:45 AM. I won $2,000 in the 5-10 game, lost $500 in the 5-5 game, and lost $340 on the tournament. Overall a pretty good 15 hours

As a random note, while I was at the hustler that night, a $40k+ jackpot hit TWICE that night. Maybe I should switch to limit hold'em. lol

I'll see you across the felt.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

September Monthly Report

September Cash Games Live ($2,000)

Online $632.55

Tournaments Live $0

Online ($4,105)



Net on month ($5,187.13)

I visited my grandmother in Washington for the second half of the September. In the first half, I went to Vegas and celebrated my birthday. Overall, I didn't get nearly as much volume in as I wanted. I played a lot of wcoop and ftops events but didn't make any final tables and only a few cashes. Oh well.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Online Pokers Biggest Day of the Year

Today was the World Championship of Online Poker Main Event (WCOOP). $5,000 buyin, $10 million guarantee.

I didn't play it.

I did however play a $30r super satellite to a $530 satellite to the WCOOP ME. And I won that. So I started the day off with a $530 win.

Over the course of the day, I played 17 tournaments. Unfortunately, I busted all my bigger buyins, including a $1k WCOOP 2nd chance event.

However I managed to restore my confidence with a 17th place finish in the Full Tilt Double Deuce. It's a $22 buying with a $200k guarantee. Luckily for the players, the guarantee wasn't met and the site had to provide layover to meet the guarantee. It's like free money, even if it's just a little. The player pool was just a few hundred short of 10,000 which meant that I had like a top 0.2% finish there. Pretty good, I just really wished I caught some cards at the end to close it.

When I thought that would be the highlight of my night, I got a backer for another Full Tilt tournament. It was a $75 buyin, and only had 187 players, but hey I managed to final table it after putting a sick beat on AA with A9d. I ended up with a 4th place finish good for $1,122. Jeff was happy to say the least.

I managed to top it off by winning around 2 buyins at .5/$1 full ring. Recently, I've started playing more full ring. I realized that my style of play is probably better suited to games where people are more willing to fold and play back less against me. I've definitely had people play back against me a lot in 6max and sometimes I push too hard and stack off unnessicarily. I've managed to tone that down, and I feel under less pressure to push so hard in full ring, where the vast majority of the time some fights back, it is just because they actually have a hand.

Today was pretty critical for me. I had been losing a lot lately, but today really help revitalize me and my bankroll. And best of all, I'm smashing Jeff in a prop bet on whose 10 players will cash for more in the WCOOP ME. If I can't play it, I have to at least sweat the action. Ah, the life of a degenerate gambler.

I'll see you across the felt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August Monthly Report

August Cash Games Live $1,400

Online $995.18

Tournaments Live ($3,025)

Online ($7,682)



Net on month ($8,802.03)

Another losing month. This one I feel ok about. I had a very swingy month in live cash. I got killed in online tournaments. And I tried to play some events at the Legends of poker and busted all of them. Overall though, I was really feeling down about my results mid month, but this past sunday gave me a chance to get my confidence back. I played extremely well and made a deepish run into the FTP $750k. I managed to stem the bleeding, and looking foward to September. I'm going to celebrate my birthday, then head out to Vegas.
Also in September is the WCOOP and the mini FTOPS. It could be a really big month for me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Playing with 2006 WSOP ME Champ

I went to a home game in the mission viejo area yesterday. Showed up around 12:30 so I had a chance to play the sunday majors online while playing the home game. I played 10/25 with Jamie Gold. He's a bit of a calling station, which is kinda weird cause when he won the 2006 ME he played a lot more aggresively. I think he may have gotten worse.

I was on the right end of a huge cooler while I was there. I raised QQ to 80 UTG at a 6 handed game, and the BB made it 500. That's a huge reraise, and I really wanted to fold right there. We weren't quite deep enough to set mine, but I thought QQ might be ahead here sometimes. That could be wishful thinking against this particular opponent. Regardless I eventually decided to call.
The flop came down Q J 6 rainbow, and he decided to check! This was suprising. I decided if he had AK (I don't even think he reraises it preflop), he may call a small/medium sized bet here anyways, so I bet 500. If he has AA, KK, or JJ, he will probably raise or call, so either way I want to make sure money goes in when I'm ahead.
The turn is an A. He quickly checks, and now I'm very supicious that he just turned top set. I check behind.

The river is the most beautiful Queen I've ever seen. I almost fell out of my chair, but managed to contain my excitement. He instant announces he bets 1500 and I was so certain he had aces full that I just instantly moved in, expecting him to call regardless how much more it was. He indeed snap called and turned over pocket aces. I flip over quad queens, and scoop the 8k pot. I run good.

Over all I won about 4k, but I sold half my action in order to reduce my varience. I'm not bankrolled for a 10/25 game, but the game was really too good to not play. Looking foward to seeing it run again. Playing with Jamie was fun, he's really friendly at the table but I didn't have any really interesting hands with him at the 10/25 game. But after the 10/25 broke, we both moved to the 5/5 game. There is one crazy hand I had with him there.

A weak player raises to 20, and I make it 60 in an isolation attempt with T7d.
Jamie cold calls my raise from the SB, and the weak player calls.

The flop is Kc 7h 8d. They check to me and I bet 115. Gold check raises to 450, and the other guy folds. I think for a bit and then shove for 700 total. Gold instantly calls.
My read is right, bottom pair is good. He has T9h.

The turn is sick. The Kh rolls off, giving him any heart, or ten for a win, and any 8 for a chop.

The river is a 6, and he completes his straight to scoop the pot.

Sick hand, but a fun one. I'm just glad it didn't happen at 10/25.
I ended up breaking even in the 5-5 game which is good enough considering that hand.

I'm going to try to satellite into the WPT Legends of Poker event. I haven't managed to sell enough of my action to just straight buy in, so I'm gonna just have to sat in and win it. Take that haters.

I'll see you across the felt.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July Monthly Report

July Cash Games Live ($2,965)

Online ($1,466.85)

Tournaments Live ($12,300)

Online $4,170



Net on month ($12,361.95)

My tournament live expenses are mostly from the WSOP ME.

The rest of the month has been pretty swingy but actually been decent

Monday, July 20, 2009

Legends of Poker WPT Event

The Legends of Poker event is a 10k WPT event. I want to play it and feel I'm +EV, but am not bankrolled for it. I'm trying to sell out my action.

1% for $125. Trying to sell around 80%
If you want to buy bigger pieces, lemme know I might work out a deal.

If anyone is interested they can contact on modoaddict on AIM, or by email at

Nice! Booked a solid win

Today, I took down the $50+5, nightly $70k g on Pokerstars for a solid $12.8k. However, I sold out half my action earlier for $30, so I only get half. Still solid win, and confidence booster.

My results this year tell me I should play only tournaments online. My cash game results are pretty pathetic. I might try to get coaching or something. I think I'm FPSing too much.

Fun hand of the day.

This is vs Roothlus, AKA Adam Levy. Very good online tournament pro, he's also made a splash on the live tournament scene.

I raised a little more in the SB vs him, because he's good and has position. In retrospect maybe raising even more is better. Probably 80k.

Flop bet is standard. Maybe betting turn is good? In retrospect, almost his entire flop calling range is calling another barrel. Maybe like 77-JJ fold, but he probably reraises most of those preflop. With his straight draws, he probably calls JT, AT, and AJ, and folds J9 and T9. If he has AJ or AT, he'll probably check it back and try to take it to showdown. Betting turn seems superior.

River is a standard bet imo, he probably bets JT on the turn, so he doesn't have a straight often. If he raises me, I'm probably calling but hating it.

Next sunday I have a chance to win a $60k package from Pokerstars to a bunch of live major events. Really looking foward to it. Wish me luck.

See you across the felt

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

June Monthly Report

Cash Games Live ($15,360)

Online $11.50
Tournaments Live $91,625

Online ($216)
Net on month $76,060.50

I'm lazy this month. All my profit is from that one WSOP event.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

WSOP Adventures - And for the first time, with Color!

So I headed out to Vegas to play poker during the WSOP.
These pictures make me realize I need a higher quality camera than my phone. Oh well.

I get there on Thursday, and play a little cash game poker. I won like 200. I mostly took some time taking in the WSOP. They were playing the 40k annual WSOP event, which was pretty cool. It was a really star studded field of course. I heard Phil Ivey and Tom Dwan (Durrrrr) were sitting right next to each other. By the time I got to the Rio, Durrrr already busted. Lol.

I saw a lot of big name pros. These pictures are from the 10k stud event. It's pretty cool to watch them play.

Howard Lederer and Johnny Chan

Phil Ivey and Greg Raymer

Barry Greenstein, David Benyamine, and Jennifer Harman

Also on that table is Eli Elezra, and Andy Bloch

Kinda cool watching the pros, but it got boring after a while. After all, they play good poker, and that usually means folding. If I saw their cards, it would've been more interesting.

I ran into Sam Stein. I know him from magic, but apparently he is plays poker for a living now. He seems pretty good, and he told me he planned to play a lot of the events. He actually got busted by durrrr in the 10k HU championship. Lol sorry Sam, you got durrrred.

Event #4 is the stimulus special. It was a $1k buyin No Limit Hold'Em tournament. It was expected to have a prize pool over 5 million, and actually drew over 6,000 entrants. Pretty crazy. Dor, John and I all played it.

I managed to find a place to put all my money in preflop with QKs in the 2nd level. Of course, the guy had the nuts. I forget I'm not playing online poker, it's live where a squeeze is always the nuts. Somehow despite the fact, I didn't make it to the first break, I managed to win my last longer bet against John. Woot woot, recoup 1/10th of my buyin.

I also play event #7, a $1,500 NLHE event. I also busted in the first two hours although this time, I made a straight on the river when the guy rivered a flush. Not cool.

My cash game results during that time were pretty up and down. I managed to lose an 8k pot at the Wynn with QQ vs AKo. Dude was a complete maniac, and he backdoored into a straight on the T24r flop. Not cool.

After hearing that Johnny takes pictures of the food he eats, I decided to do the same. I was staying at the Wynn for free (I have no idea how I got comped, but I'll take it), so I decided to drop some cash at one of their specialty restaraunts called Stratta.

I ended up spend $100 somehow on a two course meal with a bottle of water to drink.

Expensive menu, but I guess thats Vegas

The Fiji is $9, the salad is $14.

The main course is Lamb Osu Bucco. $47.
For everything else there is Mastercard. Total bill with tip and tax is like $95 or something.

I also noticed that even the Chipotle in Vegas is marked up. How dare they!

I made a really deep run into event #9. It was the 6 handed No Limit Tournament. I put up the $1,500 to buyin and managed to parlay that into a final table appearance! I cashed for $115k. It was a lot of fun, and playing the final table I didn't feel nervous at all. I felt really relaxed.

Pictures of my chip stack throughout the tournament.
End of day 1. I have about 67,000, we started with 4500.

Before is one of my lower points on day 2, around 50k. After I finish my heater, I have about 200k

approaching the final table, with around 450k. Depsite how many chips I have, I'm actually kinda short stacked cause the blinds have gone up so much.

I ended day 2 really well, and now at the final table I have around 1.5 Million.

I busted in 4th place on a coin flip. TT vs KQh. I ran pretty card dead there, but I ran really good to get to the final table, so I can't complain.

I stayed at the Wynn, and the hotel was pretty sick. Zack and I hit the pool and went downstairs and drank and played some blackjack with some friends. I managed to not lose more than $100, which was my original goal.

And I'll finish with photos of Zack and Nate showing just how much they enjoy BJ's room at the Wynn. They represent their fraternity well.

I'm heading back on the 21st, and now I'm gonna play the WSOP ME for sure. I had a 5 figure payday, a 6 figure payday, clearly a 7 figure one is on the horizon.

I'll be in Vegas for about 3 more weeks.

I'll see you across the felt.

Bryce Yockey

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

May Update

Brutal month. I'm having consistency issues. I'm really alternating between playing great and terrible. It's frusterating.

Online Cash Games: -$5,610.88
YTD: -$5,266.17

Online Tournaments: -$1,098
YTD: +$10,292.79

Live Cash Games:-$1,100
YTD: +$290

Live Tournament Poker:-$1,320
YTD: -$1,540

Net for poker: -$9,128.52
YTD: +$2,561

Stakes: -$1,023
YTD: -$2,767.56

Total Net for: -$10,151.52
YTD: -$206.22

Twitter I guess.

So I have a twitter account now. It's @SuddenlyBryce. I'll have may updates and WSOP updates later.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1000 minute poker session

Friday night I started played at around 9pm. I quit 2193.45 full tilt points later, down -$1,548.85 and running about $900 below expectation in all in pots. I manged to get enough points to play the Full Tilt WSOP ME freeroll but I busted in that relatively early.

Playing the Sunday Million at the moment, and it's going pretty well. Hopefully I can make a big score in that, this month has been going pretty bad. Down 7.5k at the moment.

Notable hands from this past session.

Biggest pot of the session I won.
I felt his two barreling range was pretty wide, but didn't include a lot of big aces.

Tricky spot, John thinks bet/folding river is better.

This one is pretty gross too, raising turn is probably better. I was a bit concerned he might have 76 or a set, but even if he does, I'm probably stacking off on blank rivers.

This is a really sick spot. I think I have to bet/call it off. I don't really see a better way to play.

I lost two big pots with QQ < AA, and QQ < A9 where he rivered an A. Also lost $600 BVB with AK vs KK. Pretty standard imo.

Mostly just run bad, but I was definitely tired and didn't play my best.

The World Series of Poker starts tomorrow. Can't wait, I'm going to be playing Event #4, the $1,000 buyin. They are expecting over 5,000 players, so the prize pool should be over 5 mill. First will be around $900k. Saving all of my run good for this donkament? I hope so.

See you across the felt.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Pet Project

So, ever since I graduated, I've been trying to get a Pot Limit Omaha game going at the Hustler. Most people are familiar with No limit hold'em, PLO differs in that the most you can bet is whatever is in the pot at the given time and you are dealt four cards instead of two. It is a very very different game that seems similar enough to Hold'em that many people who play Hold'em will give it a spin.

On Monday, I finally got them to run a small stakes PLO game. It had 2-2 blinds with a 100-400 buyin. The game went really smoothly because the blinds are the game. It makes a pot sized raise preflop $8, and generally only needs a $2 chip to make it work. However, the guys who run the casino didn't like that for some reason and gave me a hard time for it. Whatever, right? Well they changed it to a 2-3 blind 100-500 buyin. This is bad for two reasons. First it allows someone to shortstack the game by buying in for around 30 big blinds, and then also makes calculating the pot way harder. Now a pot sized raise is $11 which means you need two $5 chips and a $1 chip. That's way worse. But I get no respect, so whatever, they don't listen to me. Can't do much else.

At the end of April, I won a WSOP ME seat on Pokerstars. I entered a $650 Sunday satellite and won one of the 57 seats. I don't know if I'll play yet, because if I choose not to play, I'll have $12,000 in cash. That's a lot of money and it might be better if I just don't play. If I can win another $10k before it starts, I might take my shot and try to play. I'd really, really like to play the WSOP ME, so I'm a bit torn.

The brown chip game at the Hustler ran last night (5/10 NLHE), and we made it a mix with 5-5 PLO. I won around $1500, which is a solid win. I won most of it on a big semi bluff that got there on the river.

See you across the felt.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Double Monthly Updates - March and April

Monthly Updates. I've been swamped with school, but I'm done now, so I can start posting again.

Online Cash Games:
March: +$2,630.35
April: -$1,692.75
YTD: $344.71

Online Tournaments:
March: -$1,790.19
April: +$10,375.19
YTD: +$11,390.79

Live Cash Games:
March: -$6,015
April: -$1,700
YTD: +$1,390

Live Tournament Poker:
March: -$510
April: +$625
YTD: -$220

Net for poker:
March: -$6,900.48
April: +$7,607.44
YTD: +$11,689.86

March: -$911.71
April: -$44
YTD: -$1,744.56

Total Net for
March: -$7,812.19
April: +$7,563.44
YTD 2009: +$9,945.30

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monthly Report - February

Coming a bit late this month, but I've been ridiculously busy. February is going to look amazing, but I've been getting killed in March.

Online Cash Games:
February: -$214.59
YTD: -$592.89

Onine Tournaments:
February: +$738.59
YTD: +$2,805.79

Live Cash Games:
February: +$9,105 (!!)
YTD: +$9,105

Live Tournament Poker:
February: -$335
YTD: -$335

Net for poker:
February: +$9,294
YTD: +$10,982.90

February: -$715.66
YTD: -$788.85

Total Net for the months: +$8,578.34
YTD: +$10,194.05

I wish every month was like this. Unfortunately March is something like the opposite. Bleh.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Progress Report #26 - LAPC and FTOPS - Fun with acronyms

February 1st was a very interesting day for me.

You see, the Los Angeles Poker Classic is running at the Commerce Casino right now. I dropped by on Superbowl Sunday to play a tournament there. All my friends were out of town for various reasons, and without anyone to watch it with, I decided I might as well play some poker too.

I buy into a $335 side event. It's a "deepstack" event, which to me means its about the same as one of the slower structures online. We start with 6,000 in chips, the blinds are 25-25, and increase at a reasonable pace around every 40 minutes. The tables are also 10 handed which means you get fewer hands in, but this is balanced by seeing more hands per round of blinds.

I draw table 42 seat 1, and I look around for my table. For the life of me, I can't figure out any pattern to the table location. I finally locate table 42, and notice someone is in my seat. I am confused, so I ask the dealer if this is table 42. (Note there is a small plaque on the table with the number 42 on it.)

The dealer says "No, its 35."

I am beyond confused now. I ask the dealer where table 42 is then. He points over to the left, and I'm like what?

Then he points up. And for the first time I notice there are numbers hanging along wires above all the tables. And everything is once again right in the world.
I head over to table 42 and eat lunch while waiting for the tournament to begin.

The tournament had over 760 players. Some people had to play downstairs, but the TD promised to have them back in the room before kickoff. Nice guy, yea? Apparently people didn't realize that meant at least 20% of the field would be gone by then.

I get a decent table draw, but there is a guy sitting three seats to my right who seems pretty solid. I mostly stay out of his way, although there is one spot where I two barreled him on a dry board after raising under the gun. I'm pretty sure he decided that my hand range pretty much is almost always an overpair, and he laid it down. That's the kind of play I can only make vs a thinking player who doesn't know me. He simply has to give me respect if he thinks I'm not a bluffing machine. I am, but hey he doesn't know that yet.

After the first break I'm up to about 8,500 in chips. A decent increase, but nothing spectacular. Shortly after I'm moved to a new table that is probably going to break soon. I managed to chip up to 15,000 at this new table, thanks to several weak players, and a few solid hands. I'm feeling pretty good when the table breaks, and I'm shuffled off to table 2. This means I'll be at this table a long time. Assuming I don't bust myself. (Foreshadowing!!!)

At the new table stacks look pretty good for me. I have everyone out chipped except for one guy two to my left.

I enter on the BB due to a lack of planning on my part. (I should've waited for the button to pass before I sat down.) On my first button I get A9o. It's folded to me, so I pop it up to 750. The blinds are currently 150/300/ante 50.

The BB calls me, with about 19k behind. Well I have position and reasonable hand for a button raise, so I'm liking my chances.

The flop comes out 8d 8h 2d. Not amazing, but something I'd probably continuation bet against an unknown live player. Most people will just give it up if they missed. My opponent then surprises me by betting out. This wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't bet half my stack. Yea he bet 8,000 into a pot that was around 2,000. Seems bad. I really have no option, but to fold here. If I had like 99 or better, I'd strongly consider going broke, simply because such a play is so bad with an 8, I'd like discount it almost entirely. My guess is he bet out with a weakish pair or a flush draw. Almost under no circumstances is donking out for 4x times the pot good. But hey it worked for him. Or didn't depending on how you look at it.

I steal a few more times since my table is pretty nitty playing back at my raises. That's the power of a large stack, people are scared of you. Often unreasonably so, but they are.

When I'm 3 off the button, I get A3o. I hadn't raised for a while, and it got folded to me, so I decide this is a pretty reasonable chance to steal. I make it 750 again, and the CO calls me. This is the same guy who bet out 8,000 earlier.

The flop is Js Ts 3d. This is simultaneously a good and bad flop. It's good because a lot of reasonable hands I would raise from middle position hit that board. AK, AQ, AJ, AT, KQ, KJ, QJ, QT, Q9 and so on. And of course AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT and 33. I also have a pair and a backdoor nut flush draw. Those don't mean too much right now, but sometimes the turn and river can make you a monster.

On the other hand, it's a bad flop. For a similar reason. Reasonable calling hands for him include all pocket pairs JJ and lower, JT, AJ, KJ and so on. Also any two spades made a flush draw, and I get the feeling he'll be really hard to push him off that.

I think he would reraise JJ and TT, and if he has like 66 or 78, this would be a really bad spot to call the flop. I think he might do it though, and if it wasn't for the fact I actually had a pair, I might not bet at all. In the end, I bet out 1,100. He calls relatively quickly. Now I've heard from some reliable sources that people at the Commerce like to float a lot. I get a gut feeling here that he isn't that strong.

The turn is a 5h. Changes almost nothing. He only hit that if he has 55, 5s Xs, or something like A4s, 4s6s. That sounds like a lot but really it's not that many hands.
I decide to follow through on my instincts and fire another bullet of 1,700 into the pot. And this is where things get interesting. He raises me to 3,700. I have about 14,000 behind if I fold. And folding is very reasonable here. I check his stack and he has about 14,000 behind if he folds also. So he has about 4,000 more in chips than I do.

I go into the tank. My mind tells me to fold. My gut screams he has nothing. My instincts tend to me right. My mind then rationalizes that a shove would be good against a wide range of hands. All I have to do is be right that he is floating me a lot.

I jam in the rest of my 14,000.

And he audibly groans. I'm estatic. I thought he would snap call or fold. There was almost no inbetween. If he had a big draw, I'm still coinflipping, and I'll take that when I'm putting the pressure on him to call off over 80% of his remaining stack. The second break begins while he's still deciding.

And then he makes a crying call.
With 44.

My eyes practically shoot out of my head. That is either the most amazing or most terrible call. And it really depends on the reason he called. Even against my bluffing hands, he's a small favorite. I actually have one of the only hands he's in good shape again.

The river is a Ks, which meant if I was semibluffing with, AK, AQ, 98, spades, or various other straight draws, I would've smashed his fours. But I wasn't. So he knocks me out.

I go outside to take a break. Quite frankly, I'm mindblown. I just got soulcrushed. What can I say? I just got freaking owned.


The FTOPS just ended. That standards for the Full Tilt Online Poker Series. I played several events, and did ok. I probably lost a bit of money overall, but mostly I want to talk about the FTOPS ME.

I ran good during the FTOPS ME. We started with 7500 chips at 15/30 starting blinds. I picked up a bunch of solid hands, and then made some good decisions when I was put in some tough spots. I was doing well, and then this hand came up. This is just a brag really.

Full Tilt Poker Game #10655702577: FTOPS Main Event (73899945), Table 338 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:26:29 ET - 2009/02/15
Seat 1: Aaron_Hacker (21,114)
Seat 2: steelerjay (9,847)
Seat 3: SvetlaB (11,093)
Seat 4: BeNzitO85 (16,951)
Seat 5: Leviathan101 (32,215)
Seat 6: CPGR (7,098)
Seat 7: I am from ice (24,283)
Seat 8: Tryangle (29,255)
Seat 9: jross1901 (10,415)
Aaron_Hacker antes 50
steelerjay antes 50
SvetlaB antes 50
BeNzitO85 antes 50
Leviathan101 antes 50
CPGR antes 50
I am from ice antes 50
Tryangle antes 50
jross1901 antes 50
CPGR posts the small blind of 200
I am from ice posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Leviathan101 [Jd As]
Tryangle folds
jross1901 folds
Aaron_Hacker folds
steelerjay folds
SvetlaB folds
BeNzitO85 folds
Leviathan101 has 15 seconds left to act
Leviathan101 raises to 900
CPGR folds
I am from ice has 15 seconds left to act
I am from ice raises to 2,150
Leviathan101 calls 1,250
*** FLOP *** [Td 4d 3h]
I am from ice has 15 seconds left to act
I am from ice bets 2,900
Leviathan101 calls 2,900
*** TURN *** [Td 4d 3h] [6c]
I am from ice checks
Leviathan101 bets 4,200
I am from ice has 15 seconds left to act
I am from ice raises to 19,183, and is all in
Leviathan101 calls 14,983
I am from ice shows [9d Ac]
Leviathan101 shows [Jd As]
*** RIVER *** [Td 4d 3h 6c] [2d]
I am from ice shows Ace Ten high
Leviathan101 shows Ace Jack high
Leviathan101 wins the pot (49,116) with Ace Jack high

[x] Soulread

I also busted Jon Turner, a red pro on Full Tilt. Some people may know him better as Pearljammer, although really it doesn't mean much. I get a T-shirt for it though. Woot!

As we approach the bubble, I made a really dumb play that was too high risk. He was reraising pretty lightly, but on the prize bubble, it just so much safer to just fold and wait. I'm guaranteed $650 if I just fold, so that was definitely a mistake.

Full Tilt Poker Game #10657802532: FTOPS Main Event (73899945), Table 285 - 800/1600 Ante 200 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:25:34 ET - 2009/02/15
Seat 1: holla-athca-boy (18,818)
Seat 2: rayfa (35,107)
Seat 3: lei_kung (51,430)
Seat 4: bill0756 (34,018)
Seat 5: Leviathan101 (83,024)
Seat 6: BPV (122,802)
Seat 7: dirkkuijt (26,522)
Seat 8: sirklas (39,777)
Seat 9: KillerKohles (146,218)
holla-athca-boy antes 200
rayfa antes 200
lei_kung antes 200
bill0756 antes 200
Leviathan101 antes 200
BPV antes 200
dirkkuijt antes 200
sirklas antes 200
KillerKohles antes 200
sirklas posts the small blind of 800
KillerKohles posts the big blind of 1,600
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Leviathan101 [Tc Ah]
holla-athca-boy folds
rayfa folds
lei_kung folds
bill0756 folds
Leviathan101 raises to 3,600
BPV has 15 seconds left to act
BPV raises to 10,250
dirkkuijt folds
sirklas folds
KillerKohles folds
Leviathan101 has 15 seconds left to act
Leviathan101 has requested TIME
Leviathan101 raises to 82,824, and is all in
BPV has 15 seconds left to act
BPV calls 72,574
Leviathan101 shows [Tc Ah]
BPV shows [Ad Qs]
*** FLOP *** [7h 4d 2h]
*** TURN *** [7h 4d 2h] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [7h 4d 2h Qd] [9s]
Leviathan101 shows Ace Queen high
BPV shows a pair of Queens
BPV wins the pot (169,848) with a pair of Queens
Leviathan101 stands up

The 25th Billion hand got dealt on Pokerstars on 2/16/2009. It's kinda crazy. If you think about it, 25 billion is a larger number. And they made money off most of those hands. Pretty sick, online poker is a massively profitable business. I tried to open a 24 tables in order to maximize my chance of being dealt in that hand, but I ended up costing myself $50. LOL, funny how that works. I couldn't focus on that many games at once.

I officially moved up to 1/2 now. I've had some really swingy session so far. I'm bad at poker lol. Spewing off stacks with top pair vs sets and stuff. Somehow I'm still winning. I need to tighten up my postflop play, I'm still playing poorly in too many spots. I'm gonna start doing some study sessions, and examine my play more closely.

I'll see you across the felt.


Monthly Report - January

I upgrade my process to microsoft excel, so my numbers should be more accurate from here on out.

Online Cash Games:
January: -$378.30
YTD: -$378.30

Onine Tournaments:
January: +2,067.2
YTD: +$2,067.20

Live Cash Games:
January: $0
YTD: $0

Live Tournament Poker:
January: $0
YTD: $0

Net for poker:
January: +$1,688.90
YTD: +$1,688.90

January: -$73.19
YTD: -$73.19

Total Net for the months: +1,615.71
YTD: +$1,615.71

I think maybe I should just go tournament pro... my cash game results have been very disappointing.

See you across the felt.
