Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Eventful game of LOLmaha at the Hustler

Tonight I played a 5/10 HA game at the Hustler. HA is the online acronym for a Pot Limit Omaha and No Limit Hold'Em mix. Omaha is a unique action game because with each player getting dealt 4 cards, it's very easy for two people to make big hands.

Anyways, today we started pretty early. Some guy I've never seen before shows up to play. He's acting real cocky, and keeps bragging about how he plays 100/200 Stud at the Commerce casino. I'm not really sure to who he's bragging too cause nearly everyone is ignoring him. Eventually he ends up picking a fight with Miami. Miami loves to play poker, but he's not that good. On the other hand, he's pretty well off (read: rich).
So basically this kid starts talking about how much of a balla he is that he can just gamble for a grand in PLO. Miami is just gambling because he likes it. I don't catch the whole conversation but soon it becomes some ego contest and there are curses flying. Eventually Miami gets pulled aside because he won't drop it, and the kid decides to get up and leave cause "I don't need to deal with this shit. This game is just peanuts, I'm going to go to the Commerce."
Everyone was glad the kid left, even though he was dead money, sometimes it's just better to have an enjoyable experience.

A fun PLO hand

Limp UTG, two other limpers, I limp 3d 6d 5s 5c in CO, BTN limps, blinds complete, we take a 7 handed flop.

Flop is Js Tc 5d.
UTG bets 60 into 70, Zack makes it 210. I make it 500 with my bottom set. (might be a fold, been discussing it). Han (UTG) cold calls, and Zack tank folds. He shows his hand to a few other people, and talks about how sick a laydown this is, so I know he has TT for middle set. I know Han doesn't have JJ or he would've reraised the flop.

Turn is Qd. Han bets the pot which is $1280. I tank and decide to call.
The river is another Q.

He checks, and I move all in. He folds.

I think he knew I had a set, and he knew I knew he had a straight. I should've bet like $300 dollars, cause even if he puts me on a full house he would be hard pressed to fold for $300 into a $3800 pot.

I also ran hot flopping huge in multiway raised pots.
Once 8 people saw the flop for 100, and I had A569ds and the flop came down 557. I just shoveled in $800 of my $900 stack and took it down. Then I had QQ56ds, and saw a flop of Q55, meaning I had the stone cold nuts. It was almost impossible to draw out of me, and I managed to win another $1,000 that hand. Overall I got pretty lucky. I felt like I played quite well though.

I quit up $3,500 for 4 hours of play. Pretty good, but I sold out half my action because my bankroll can't handle the swings of a 5/10 Pot limit omaha game. Last time I played it, I lost a $5.5k pot. Reduce my variance is the right decision for me.

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