Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wild Session at the Hustler

I was down $7k at one point in the $5-10 at the Hustler. 16 hours after I started, I managed to book a $5k win.

I'm just going to list fun or interesting hands.

I raise K7s in a straddled pot and get 4 callers. The flop is 2s 3s 6s, and the small blind just leads for $400, a full pot bet. Folds back to me and I debate calling, raising and shoving, and eventually I decided to just ship it all in. The guy behind me makes a big show of his hand and then calls. The regular who lead out, turns over 33 and throws it into the muck. The other guy turns over 22 and bemoans the fact most of his outs to win are gone. The board bricks out twice and I win.

I straddle and pick up QJ. Three limpers, and I make it $100 to go. Two guys call, and the flop comes out Qc Jc Jd. The SB checks, and the BB, the same guy who had 22, leads for $270. I flat call in order to induce the SB to draw to a flush or straight. He folds, and we move to the turn. The BB bets $400 on the 8h, and I raise to $1,000. He instantly moves in for $3,800 and I call just as fast. I turn over my hand and he just mucks his hand stating he's drawing dead.

Stakes are now 10/20
I raise the button to 70 with T4s, the SB calls, the BB calls.
The flop is Tc 8h 7c. They both check, I bet $200, the BB calls. The turn is a 6h, he checks and I bet $400.

I think this is not a standard bet, but a good one vs someone who is going to play relatively straight foward. Most people will call with their flush draw, raise a straight, and fold their one pair hands. They may or may not call with two pair. However most two pairs raise the flop, as do sets, so it's likely a ten is the best hand here. It should be bet for value against fluhs draws, and getting raised isn't a concern because you are usually drawing dead when you get raised.

The BB calls the 400. The river is a Jd, and he bets $600. I call and win vs his Qc4c
Well given, the fact he didn't raise the flop or turn we can figure out he probably doesn't have a set, two pair or a straight. His hand looks like a flush draw trying to steal, and most people wouldn't valuebet a J or T on this river. They just couldn't imagine they would get called by a worse hand.

The CO raises to 70, the BTN calls, I call with Ad5c in the SB, the BB calls.
The flop is 8d 7d 6s, I check call the BB $150 bet. I have the backdoor nut flush draw, a draw to an ace, and a bottom end open ended straight draw, which adds up to an easy call to me. The turn is a 4 and I think he's so liable to bluff here, I should just check/call him. So he obliges me by bettinged $300, then another $500 on the river. He turns over Q9o for a busted OESD, and I win the pot.

I think these hands were kinda interesting, and I was proud of them. I'll try to find more later.

I'll see you across the felt.

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