Tuesday, October 20, 2009

15 hour day at the hustler

I went to the Hustler today and played a tournament at 3 PM. I busted relatively early when I got JJ AIPF vs AQ and 88. I was kind of glad I busted, because there was this guy on my table who was really tilting me.

I played the 5-5 game and saw Obama playing. Somehow this Korean regular managed to get this nickname. I know it involves Mike, but I have no idea how it came about. He is a regular fish, so there are jokes about how he bails people out and stuff. Anyways, he's a catalyst for building games, so we managed to get the 5-10 game running. I enter the game down about 500 since I got my kings cracked by a nut flush draw in a straddled pot.

The brown chip game starts and then I lose a really big pot. A guy raises to 40 in middle position and gets 3 callers. I call in the BB and the flop is Qc Jc 2d. Everyone checks to the button who betes 120 into 200. I c/c, and everyone else folds. The turn is a 3h. I check and he bets 280, and I move in for 1100.

What does it look like I have?
Would you fold AQ to me here?

Well it doesn't matter if he would fold a queen, because he turned over two Jacks in the hole.

I had A4c and I bricked the river. I still like that play though.

The night goes on, and I'm running pretty cold. I'm card dead, and when I do hit, I'm always second best. One hand I get 67d all in against 88 on the 6c 2d3d board when I was the preflop raiser and brick. It's like, to instantly get it in vs me without hestistation, people must view me as a nut that could never have aces there. Whatever.
So at this point I'm down like 2800.

I'm debating leaving when George, a friend of mine raises and I call with AJ. The flop is Jd Td 5c, and he bets, I call, and the BB comes along. On the turn he open shoves, and I call and break him for about 1200. He had a smaller Jack.
Now that George is gone, and the two fish left, there are only 6 people several of which are regulars. But they aren't that good, so it's been pretty easy to play. I know I have a significant edge, and slowly chip up. Eventually I am down to 3 handed, vs the worst player on the table.

He is really bad, but he keeps getting the best of me.

Hand #1.
I open 87s from the button for 40 he calls with 92s in the blinds.
The flop is 9c 8c 6s, he checks, and I bet 70, he calls. The turn is the Js. He bets 130, and I make it 400, he calls. The river is a 2, he checks and I check.

Hand #2
I straddle the button to 20, he calls in the SB with T8c, I raise to 80 with J2d, he calls. The flop is Qc Jh 2h. He checks, I bet 140, he calls. The turn is a 3c, he checks, I bet 280, he calls. The river is a 4c, he checks, I bet 460, he raises to 1000, and I call.

On this hand I'd really like to be able to fold the river, but I think he could have like AQ sometimes and slowplayed it or like even a hand like 43, 42, 32, and is value raising. He's so bad, I'm not really sure if I should be folding here. He likes to bluff a lot, but when he bluffs he usually bluffs big.

We are now HU.
I've been chipping up against him cause he plays too many hands OOP and raises huge when he does raise letting me get off cheap. I'm also taking him to value town with middlish pairs.
He is getting crushed slowly, and wants to up the stakes to 10/20. I have no arguements.

Hand #3
I raise to 70 with 5s4c on the button. He calls (you might sense a trend that all the big pots we get involved in, are about him calling OOP. It's probably because that was his biggest leak. I figured as long as I kept playing him in position, I would eventually get it all)

The flop is Qs Ts 5c. He checks and I check, the turn is a 3d. He checks, and I bet 100. He raises to 400.

I'm trying to figure out what he's doing here. I know he knows my range is pretty weak here. I rarely have a Queen, or a big draw. I don't even have a ten that often. So I think he's trying to push me off of a weak pair. He also isn't really representing any hands that are very strong with this line, a queen or ten would just bet the turn right? Same with a flush draw, so I put him on no pair, maybe a gutshot draw at best.

I call.
The river is a Ks. This is a scary card at first glance, but in reality, it probably didn't change anything for either of our hands.
He now gives off a tell I pick up one correctly. Usually he plays pretty fast, but this time he is measuring out the pot and his stack and trying to figure out how much to bet. I am pretty sure he is trying to figure out the right bluff size here, as he usually just fired our more random amounts when valuebetting. Eventually, he throws a whole rack of brown chips in the middle. I hesitate for a few seconds then go with my read and call the $1,000 bet.
Pair o fives is goooooooooooooooooooooooood.
In his heavy accent he says ni han. He said nice hand, but my heart stopped cause I thought he said nine ten. I was like o shit I just leveled myself.

It takes him less than 3 minutes to donate the remaining 1200 he has to me. He raises the button to 60 I make it 170 with KK, and he instaships 1200. I snap call, turn over my hand and hold up vs his ???

The whole match took less than 64 hands. In that time period, I won over $3,500. Sick win rate?
To be fair I ran good, but he made it easy on me.

We ended at 5:45 AM. I won $2,000 in the 5-10 game, lost $500 in the 5-5 game, and lost $340 on the tournament. Overall a pretty good 15 hours

As a random note, while I was at the hustler that night, a $40k+ jackpot hit TWICE that night. Maybe I should switch to limit hold'em. lol

I'll see you across the felt.

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