Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 3 - Today's Goal - Turn a million chips into a million dollars

Wheeeeeeeee. Ended the day with 874k. Not bad, but I had 1.3 million at one point. Blinds tomorrow will be 8000/16000. (I think. Might be 7500/15000) Average is 700k, and I'm guaranteed $38k at this point. I bet my backers are happy.

Most of today's hands were easier or more straight forward than before. As the tournament goes down the home stretch, it'll probably be like that. I left out the nuts and bolts hand and just wrote down the juicy stuff.

Today I'll try to post my stack size then villain's. I'm working from memory though, so I could be off a bit.

Here are my stack sizes on each breack.

My starting table was a little softer this time around but still had 3 name pros.

We were 8 handed for all of today.
Blinds and Antes 400/2k/4k
My stack: 274k His Stack: 170k
First hand of the day

Folds to me in the SB, and I decide to limp A9o. I have no idea how he plays, or have any idea how to respond to a 3bet. He looks young and dressed well, so I'm gonna assume he's a little laggish. He raises to 14k. I call.
Flop is Qc 3c 3s. I check and call 16k. We check down the turn and river and I win.

Matt Venegrin 120k
He open limps the button? Kinda weird. I check in the BB with 69o. I bet 6k on the T62r flop, and he calls. I immediately get some kind of gut instinct he's floating. Turn is an offsuit 7. Not a good card cause it makes 67, 78, 79, 89, beat me but good cause it gives me extra equity if he has a ten. I check and call his 16k bet on the turn. River is a 5. This is also a terrible card for the same reasons as a 7. I check and he tanks for a good time then bets 20k. I tank for a bit and decide his smallish bet could only be a bluff or a decent ten for value. If he had two pair (or better), I think he would bet bigger, and I don't think he would valuebet T8 or less. If he had JT or better, I think he would've raised preflop. So I figure it has to be a bluff or T9. Also when he tanks for a while, I think he is bet sizing a bluff or thinking about some really thin or something. If he had two pair, he probably wouldn't have taken so long. So after a bunch of probablys, I call and he mucks. I show 69o and he mutters to himself that he is terrible for trying to bluff calling stations. Shrugs.

New table. Another fun line up.
Seat 1: Me, Seat 2: a Winamax French pro, Seat 3: Daniel Negreanu, Seat 4: weak player, Seat 5: Another Winamax player, Seat 6: Random, Seat 7: Huck Seed, Seat 8: random

At least I quickly identified some softer spots. Negreanu was short also which was nice.

These hands took place on or near the money bubble.
I raised 7h7c in the CO to 13k, and the BTN shoves for 115k. I call and he has AQs. We have a sweat when the flop comes out 643 with two hearts, a Qh hits the turn, and I catch a 5 on the river to improve to the winner.

MP2 raises to 15k UTG. I call with Kh Qs otb (on the button). Flop is Qh 3h Qc. He bets 20k, and I minraise to 40k. This is an attempt to get him to bluff reraise, or flat call drawing very thin. A lot of decent thinkers will interpret this as a bluff or a flush draw because minraising a queen seems to make it so blatantly obvious that it is clearly not a queen. He makes it 80k, and I move in for 140k more and he folds.

I raise 97o to abuse the bubble (hell one player just litterally got up and left the table. What's up with that?) Folds to Huck Seed in the SB and he shoves. I fold. Then he tells me he never looked at his cards and turned over 93o. lolol, it's Winston's hand. nice play Huck

Villain in next hand busts Negreanu with 33 vs A9 on the bubble.

600k, just after the bubble. Villian has like 400k
Weaker player opened to 12.5k, I 3bet 22 in the SB to 32.5k. He tanks and goes to muck, then stares at me and changes his mind to call! I saw his about to fold, so clearly his hand isn't that good. I decide I will cbet any flop and then reevaulate from there. The flop is K T 5r. He calls my 47k cbet, and I put him squarely on KQ. The turn is a 2. Apparently customs didn't take away my luckbox, cause when I check/raise him to 175k, he shoves on me! I call and as I thought he has KQ and is drawing dead. I passed 1 million that hand.

Sumo is still doing work. His hand broke though.

6 handed
1 mil
Huck opens UTG for 12k, MP calls, I call in the CO with QQ, and the SB calls.
The flop is KT8r. Checks around. The turn is a 9 and the winamax player in the SB decides to shove for around 60k which is slightly more than a potsized bet. It folds to me and I snap call. I think his range is like Kx, and lots of pairs with straight draws, and maybe even some bare straight draws. He has KJ, and I'm drawing really thin. River bricks and he doubles.

900k - He has 220k
I open AKd to 12k, winamax 3bets to 22.5k, I 4bet to 60k, he shoves I call, and he turns over 86s. Board runs out 3 diamonds and I win with the nuts.

1.09 mil - 500k
I limp AQd in the SB as a trap against the new aggresive player. He raises to 15.5k and I call. The flop is Td7c4h, with one diamond. I c/c 22k. The turn is the Qc and I c/c 36k. The river is a 4, and I lead for 94.5k. He tanks for a long time and then calls and mucks. He said he had KQ. Seems reasonable.

1.3 mil - 300k
UTG opens (same villian as before) to 13.5k. I call in the SB with 76h. Flop is Ah Td 6s. Checks through. The turn is 3h. I bet 19.5k and he calls. The river is the As, and I c/f to 21k.

1.1 mil - 350k
I raise ATd UTG+1 to 13.5k. Guy behind me calls (same villian). Flop is Qc 9c 2c. I bet 14k. He calls. Turn is 6h. I bet 34.5k, and he folds.

1.2 mil - 80k
Btn opens to 16k. I 3bet ATd in SB to 40k. He calls? half his stack. Flop is 952r. I put him in and he calls with A5s. (lol wtf) He holds.

1 mil - 200k
(same villian) SB completes, I check in BB with 42o. Flop is Q62r. He bets 7k, I call. Turn is a 3. He bets 10k, I call. River is a 9. We both check, he had J6o.

1.2 mil - 350k
I raise J9c to 18k, in the SB. The BB calls. The flops is Kc 9s 4c. I bet 23.5k, the BB raises to 62k. I reraise to 150k, he shoves, I call and we're off to the races. He has K7d. brick brick, and I'm down to 900k.

Huck raises UTG+1 to 21k. I call with with 55 in the CO. Flops is 2h 3h 3d. He checks, I bet 28k. He c/res to 100k. I tank for a bit then shove for his last 80k. He calls with AQh and makes a flush.

I want to talk about this hand for a bit. I think my image was not wildly aggresive. I think I was playing my cards well, but aggresively and Huck knew that. I was also checking back a lot and pot controlling a fair amount, so I don't think he thought I would bet the flop with pure air very often. So I think if he actually had an overpair, he would just lead and give me a chance to float him. When he check/raised I was very confidant he had a flush draw (and I need to be given how small my equity is if beaten). I called, he said nice read, and got there.

New table and it's a pretty tough one. Several online high stakes cash players (like 25/50, 10/20 and 100/200 mix games) and Amnon Filippi on my left.

700k - 400k
UTG+1 raises to 21k. I call with black 55 right behind. Flop is Qc Jd 9d. We both check. Turn is a Qd. He check/calls 29k. River is the 9h. He checks and I bet 45k, he whines a bit about a queen then, calls with Ad 9s.
This hand was weird to me for several reasons. First, raising A9o UTG+1 seems pretty questionable, even if you do think you play better than other people. Second, I'm kinda suprised he almost folded the river. I guess I made the right bet size. On the turn I was valuebetting very thinly against Ace high, and bluffing against 66-88. The river is weird, because normally I wouldn't bet there (I think he calls too frequently), but he almost bet it himself, then decided to check. I thought he was going to bluff wtih something like 88 with a diamond, then changed his mind. So I decided to bet pretty smallish to try to fold a chop or Ace high if he got spooked. I didn't think he had a nine because I couldn't see what nines he could have raising in EP, then c/cing the turn. I could only think of T9s or maybe K9s, and decided to go for it.

Last hand of the level
700k - 500k
SB opens to 24,000. I call with 87c in the BB. The flop is Ad 9d 3s. He check/calls my bet of 33k. The turn is a 5s, and he tank check/calls my bet of 87k. The river is the Kd, and I pull a move out of Winston's book. When he checks, I moved in. He folds after tanking for a little bit.
I have some explaining to do.
I really don't think he can call this bet here. It seems very clear to me, he had a mediocre or weak ace. There is no reason I can't have a flush. He is an online player, which means he probably views overbets from randoms as strong. He also probably won't take weird lines to trap people and rely on them making absurd plays (like this one), so I doubt he has a set or a straight. If he had a flush draw, that would likely be a great flop to cbet, so I don't think he has that either.
All in all, seems liked a good spot for it. If I got called, I would've had around 200k at 5k/10k, which is a workable 20bb stack. For the same reason, I think he will fold. He would have to call off another 380k or so with one pair. I think he will get a bit spooked and just fold thinking he has plenty of room to manuever with 38bb next level.

CO: 400k
Me: 840k
CO opens to 23k, BTN 3bets to 64k, and I cold 4bet to 200k with 77. They both fold and BTN said he had AJ.

1 Mil
BTN opens to 32k, I 3bet 99 to 90k, Amnon 4bet shoves for 355k. The BTN snap calls all in for 320k. It's 265k more to me and there is almost no sidepot. Math time!
I'm estimating (and this is a bit optimistic IMO), that Amnon is shoving 77+, AJ+. I think the BTN is calling with like 99+, AQ+ (again optimistic) But the BTN's snapcalling range is probably more like AK, JJ+. So... with 2.5:1 odds and a very high chance of behind, ez fold. Where's the math in poker? You just saw it.
The actual math is that I have 27% equity against the two hand ranges (and this is using the buttons wider range) which is around a 3:1 dog. Getting only 2.5:1 I should fold.

AK unimproved beats AQ unimproved. If I call I have 1.7mil. Oh well, I can't call.

Very next hand
I open J9 to 30k, and Amnon puts his last 28k in the middle with 88. I lose the flip.

I open KQs to 30k, Amnon shoves for 46k with 88 again. I hit a king this time and he's gone.

Day end with 874k.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

I'll see you across the felt.

1 comment:

  1. Who told you that wrestler would be the greatest chip protector ever? Take this tourney down.
