Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 3 here and Day 2 of play

Long story short, I started with 27k at 100 ante 500/1000 blinds and now I have 274k, at tomorrow's 400 ante 2000/4000 blinds.

Day 3 I didn't do much except sweat George for a while and play some blackjack.

Today got a loaded starting table. Here is the lineup and starting chip stacks

For those that may not recognize these names, Mike McDonald is Timex (and a Full Tilt red pro and youngest EPT winner ever), Matt Graham is a high ROI high stakes online tournament pro and, Annette Obrestad is a 20 year old poker genius. She won the World Series of Poker Europe at age 18, and her online name is annette_15.
You can see our starting chip stacks by clicking the picture

Fun line up especially when I only have 27bb.

ok on to the hands! I had quite a few, although none as tough as yesterday.

Effective 24k
BB also had around 33k, and looked Northern Euro, so I thought he might squeeze lighter here

Timex opens the button to 2400, I call in SB with AKh. BB folds. Flop Jc Th 5s. Check check. Turn 5h. I bet 2000 as thin value against hands like checked back Q8, AQ, Q9, and other straight draws. If he raised, I was going to shove. He calls. River 2s. I check he checks and shows KT. I think I saved money by betting really small on the turn.

19k effective
Timex raises to 2400 on the button again, and I call with 45s in the SB. The BB also calls. At this point, I've been pretty snug, so combined with the flatting the AK previously, I think I will respect for high cards here and will have a good chance to pick it up postflop or flop a concealed monster.
Flop is Ad Td 9s. Checks through. Turn Kh. I bet 3300, the BB calls. The river is a 8. I think for a bit and then bet 4300. I think the BB will fold weak aces, and hands like KQ. If he has a diamond draw, I doubt he will bluff raise here. If I get called I'm down to 9k, but I think I get a fold here often enough to go for it. He folds.

Seat 4 raises UTG+1 to 2600, I call in the CO with 77 (decided not to 3bet, I like taking a flop here and jamming on good flops, floating on some, and just folding bad ones). The BTN calls, and the BB calls (the BB is a weak player. Seat 2 for reference) Flop is 646r, and everybody folds to my 5k bet.

Annette raisees to 2.7k UTG, I call with Kh Qs in the CO (A little loose maybe? Annette opens a lot of pots though) The BB overcalls again. The flop is As Ts 6s. Checks to me, I check behind and opt to hit my draw for free. The turn is a 2. Checks to me I bet 3800 now to fold out small pairs and prevent myself from needing to bluff catch the river with King high. They both fold.

Tight player raises on HJ to 3400. I call black 66 in the BB. The flop is Jc8h5d, and I decide to c/c here and see if he just gives up. If I catch a 7, 6, 9, or 4 the extra equity might let me make some moves, but for now I plan to fold if he fires another shell. The turn is a 7d, and I check. He moves in! It's 23,400 to me. I'm confused. Let's break down his possible range.

AA-QQ: Overpairs kinda make sense, but why shove? That is likely to make me fold a jack and forces me to fold my draws OOP. Instead why not just valuebet? Seems possible but unlikely.
AJ, KJ, QJ: Similar logic to overpairs
Jd Xd: Why shove top pair here? You will only get called if beaten, and then you will have to suck out. Instead making a small valuebet makes much more sense. Extremely unlikely.
8d Xd: This makes sense. He could try to make me fold a jack (I've been playing pretty snug), and will have a ton of outs against whatever I have.
QTd, KTd, KQd, AXd: These all make a lot of sense. Fold out pairs have a ton of outs if beaten.
Two Pairs, sets and straight: Makes no sense for same reasons as overpairs.

Well it seems like he MIGHT have a better pair, but is more likely jamming a draw. The other thought is if beaten by a big pair, I still have 10 outs. I call.
He shows me QQ. He holds.

Well I suck at this game. And now we go on break.

UTG shoves for 12k. I call with 44 on the button and it turns out he covers me by 400 chips. I win and double up.

Noah Boeken moves in UTG for 2100 after running KK into AA. Annette raises to 6.2k. I squeeze out JJ in the SB and shove. Annette folds KQ. Noah has A8o, board runs out KK248. Good thing she folded.

I raise A7c in the CO to 3600. Matt Graham reraises to 9.3k in the BB. I shove, he instafolds.

I raise HJ with A3o. Annette calls in the BB. Flop is Q66r. I bet 4200, she check raises to 9500. I felt like I was getting bluffed here, but didn't want to ship it on her. I fold.

23k (been card dead for a while)
Annette raises to 4500 in MP1. I push A8o in the SB, and she snapcalls with JJ. Flop AA8. Oops. Ship the chips.

Timex got crippled with AQ vs KK. He shoves for 12k in the HJ, I reshove 77 in the CO. I flop a set and we're done.

I raise Ad8h in 4400 in MP2, HJ calls. Flop is Qh 6c 4h. I bet 5200, he calls. Turn 6h. I bet 10.7k, he jams over, and I fold.

UTG+1 is a northern european player who replaced Timex. He raised to 5200, I 3bet to 13800 with AA. He calls. As he calls I hear Annette say to Matt, wow this might be a bad time to get QQ or JJ (This was my first 3bet in 4 levels, however this guy doesn't know that). As she's talking the flop comes out QQJr. We all just start laughing. He checks, I bet 15k, with 19k behind. He ships after some deliberation, and I call. He has ATo (wtf moment) and bricks out. I double through him and for the first time I have over 100k.

100k each
UTG raises to 6000. I call in the BB with KTs. Flop Qs Jc 6h. I check/call 8k. Turn Js. I check and decide that I won't check raise here. (I think his betting range is too strong) He checks behind. The river is a Kh. I check and he bets 13.9k. I deliberate for a bit and then decide he might be turning a small pair into a bluff or going for super thin value with AQ. I call and he shows 55.

MP2 raises to 6000. I call with J9d in the SB. Flop is 2c Tc Jh. I check/call 11k. Turn Qh. I check, he thinks for a really long time then checks behind. If he bet, I don't know what to do. I think I would fold. River 8s. I tank for a while then bet 23.7k. He instafolds, makes me think he had a nut flush draw.

UTG raises to 5.2k with 120k behind. He's a commerce reg, and was wearing a Hustler sweatshirt. Maybe a 10/20 reg or something? Seems good.
I call his raise with 86s UTG+1. I'm relying on his and mine early position to avoid getting squeezed lightly. Matt Graham also calls in the HJ. (he has 400k, after the euro kid donated 120k to him with unimproved sixes when Matt had a flush) Flop is Tc 9s 9h. UTG checks, I bet 7800, Matt flats, and then UTG check raises to 20.4k. We both fold and feel slightly confused. AA? A9? What is that?

Last hand of the level
Matt raises UTG to 6.2k. I 3bet the SB with J4h to 18.2k and he folds.

My table goes broken here, so all the new players are mostly unknowns.

My first pot I get 3bet and I fold. After the fact I know now he had a monster.

Btn moves in for 27.k. I call in the BB with A4o cause he looks young and looks like he knows what he's doing. He turns over 89o, and the board runs out KKTJ 8. Damn. Oh well.

UTG+1 limps. This was suprising. Limpers are rare at this stage of the tournament. He was also a youngish kid, which makes me think he is probably not very good and doesn't not have a balanced range. (Young kids rarely have balanced limping ranges) I decide to isolate him with 85o and raise to 9k. He limp/calls. The flop is Qd Tc 8d. We both check, the turn is a 6. He checks and I bet 10k. He calls. The river is a 2. He thinks for a while then bets 13.8k. I basically snap call and he mucks. Unfortunately the rules at the tournament are you must showdown the winner, so everybody sees I have 85o. I mentally decide to tighten up now.

Around now George goes out in 305th with JJ vs AQo for 22bb.

UTG raises to 7500. I call in the CO with 44. Flop is K86r. He check folds QQ to my 9.2k bet. He said he thought I really had it that time. I told him I had KQ. One of my few lies at the poker table.

Last hand of the night
HJ opens to 8500 (same guy as UTG, he meant to raise to 7500) The SB tanks grabs some 5k chips and then puts them back and just calls. I thought he had a real monster, so I decided to call with Q6s in the BB for 5500 and look for a chance to crack two aces. The flop is Jd 6h 2d. Everyone checks. The turn is a 6. The SB bets 15.1k, and I make it 33.1k total. He calls. River is a 8. He checks, and I move in for around 60-70k. (not sure exactly) He tanks forever then calls with what I assume is an overpair. He mucks and we end the day with 274.4k

Really looking forward to tomorrow.

I'll see you across the felt.

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