Thursday, January 28, 2010

Shot Taking and the LAPC Prelims

I've been playing poker almost nonstop lately. I think I've been playing over 60 hours a week for the past 2 weeks. I've been playing a lot online as well. Since I've been doing well lately, I have a confidence boost and decided to take some shots at bigger games.

I've been playing 2/4 online with some mixed results. I rediscovered my ability to spew off chips like a complete donkey. On the other hand, I forgot when I'm on my A game, I can hang with the best of 'em. A fun hand from 2/4 the other night. You can't bluff me man, I'm the best calling station in the world. I SNAP called the river too.

***** Hand History for Game 38829973121 ***** (Poker Stars)
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, January 27, 06:50:34 ET 2010
Table Tomita VIII (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: ungar-like ( $507.00 USD )
Seat 3: jessyj ( $403.00 USD )
Seat 5: slapnuts3 ( $400.00 USD )
Seat 6: LilDeano89 ( $400.00 USD )
Seat 7: Seingalt1725 ( $425.80 USD )
Seat 8: Leviathan101 ( $400.00 USD )
jessyj posts small blind [$2.00 USD].
slapnuts3 posts big blind [$4.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Leviathan101 [ Tc Td ]
LilDeano89 raises [$12.00 USD]
Seingalt1725 folds
Leviathan101 calls [$12.00 USD]
ungar-like folds
jessyj folds
slapnuts3 folds
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8s, 6c, 2h ]
LilDeano89 bets [$24.00 USD]
Leviathan101 calls [$24.00 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qc ]
LilDeano89 bets [$56.00 USD]
Leviathan101 calls [$56.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 7s ]
LilDeano89 bets [$145.00 USD]
Leviathan101 calls [$145.00 USD]
LilDeano89 shows [Ac, 4c ]
Leviathan101 shows [Tc, Td ]
Leviathan101 wins $477.00 USD from main pot

I played the LAPC $1 million guarantee last week. The had 4 day 1s and let you buy into the next one of you busted a previous one. They call it a reentry tournament, and it's kinda similar to rebuys kinda not. I think they will grow in popularity, as they can bring really big prize pools for small buyins.
Anyways I ended up playing all 4 day1s and didn't cash. Poof there goes $1,300. At least I got to play cash games afterwards. I'll probably play the $300 HU event, and the Chinese poker event, but nothing else until the main event.

Going to the commerce reminded me why I don't like it there. It's so impersonal. I feel like its a chicken coup and I'm just stuffed in there with everyone else. Although, I like commerce slightly more now that I took a shot at the 10/20 no limit game there and took them for almost $3k in under 3 hours. I'm really proud of this hand.

I raised AKo to $70 in middle position and the CO and BTN call. I had already figured out the CO is straightfoward and ABC, and the button was willing to make a lot of moves if he sensed weakness. The flop is K83r, and I decide to check and let the button bluff. The CO checks, and the BTN predictably bets $250. I hum and haw and try to make him think I have like QQ or JJ then call. The CO overcalls. On a K83r flop, he nearly always has a King, and might occasionally have a 8 or 3 with a backdoor flush draw. The turn is a T, and everyone checks. The river is a 5, and I decide to check once again. If the CO bet, I was going to check/raise and if the BTN bet, I was going to call and try to get the CO to overcall. The CO checks and the BTN bet $500, I call and the CO calls. The BTN just looks at his hand and clearly indicates he's got squat as I turn over my hand like its the nuts. The CO mumbles about how he was sure I had QQ and then throws KJs into the muck face up.
I think I got maximum value there, because it would be hard for KJ to call three streets after I raise preflop. Even if it did, I would probably make around the same amount.

I played 10/20/40 last night at the hustler, three handed with Zack (very good regular) and Mike (rich Colorado native). I ended up winning like $5k in a long session, including a 5 hour heads up match against Mike. I quit at noon and was up around $2k from HU. I would've been up a lot more, but I ran one bad bluff for around $1k when I couldn't get him to fold QQ on a 8d 6d 4s 3d 2h board. Oh well nice call sir. He insisted we tipped the dealers really well. Normally this is no problem for me, but he was talking like giving them $30 each when they sat down and like another 20 when they left. Adding in the drop and honestly I think I gave away like $500 in tips and drop. Oh well, he basically payed for it all.

I'm up almost $40k this month now. I'm on a tear atm, and am super focused. I'm not letting up for now, gonna keep crushing until I have a real reason to slow down.

I'll see you across the felt.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Final days here

Nothing much to report.

I won a $550 PLO8 donkament with 45 players. Took down 7370 for first.
Then I played some blackjack and won some more.

Flying back tomorrow, can't wait to be back in LA. I had fun here, but the weather sucked the whole time. I plan to come back next year, hopefully it'll be nicer by then.

LAPC coming up next.

I'll see you across the felt.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 4 of play - Failure

Today was short and bittersweet. I'm out, but I cashed for 52k. 47th out of 1520 is pretty decent. Everybody who has 1% of me will get $520. Could be better could be worse.

It's kinda tilting that pokernews and the PCA live updates have a short story for every single other player eliminated, but don't have one for me.

Didn't play for more than two levels today, so not too many hands.

Here is my starting line up for the day.

Folds to in the small blind. He limps in. I get 88 and raise 30k more to 46k total. He limp/shoves for 400k. I call, he had A6o. Flop is A69, turn Q and a dramatic 8 on the river.

New table
Amit and John Duthie on my right. Ryan D'Angelo (g0lfa, won 2 wcoop bracelets this year) in seat 4. I'm in seat 1.

1.2 mil
I raise AQc UTG+! to 35k. Amit calls in the BB. The flop is Th 7s 2c. He check calls 43k. Turn is a Qh. He checks, I bet 98k. He check/raises to 230k. I shove for 600k, he folds.

1.5 mil
Next hand I raise QJh to 35k. John Duthie 3bets the BB to 86k. I call. The flop is Ah 2h 4d. He bets 95k. I call. Turn is a 3d. He bets 300k, I decide I should fold. In a cash game I might shove there, but I think its very thin and too high variance for a tournament.

1.3 mil
Duthie raises the button to 36k. I call in the SB with 98c. The flop is Kd 9d 6s. I check/call 35k. The turn is a Qs. We both check. River is a 7. I check/call 50k after some thinking and he has QJh.

1.3 mil
MP opens to 40k. I flat AKs on the button to induce a squeeze out of the SB or BB, and also to disguise my hand. The flop is QJ6r no spades. He check/calls my 52k. We check down and he has 99. I probably could've barreled him out there, but I decided that I have a tiny bit of showdown value and he might turn his hand into a bluff.

1.2 mil
I open JJ to 45k in MP, the CO 3bets to 115k with 400k behind. I shove he has AA and holds.

700k - My bust hand
g0lfa raises to 48k in MP. I call with KQc in the bb. The flop is Tc 2d 7c. So my default line with around 50bb would be to lead out for a bit less than the pot, and then 3bet all in. However, I think g0fla is a bit too good to fall for that, so I don't think he'll bluff raise. Instead I decide to c/c flop and c/r cards on the turn that give me extra draws. If a club comes out, I'll lead, since he probably expects me to c/r most flush draws on that flop. I c/c 60k or so. The turn is the Ks. I decide now that I will c/c turn and c/c river and give him a chance to barrel and rep AK. I c/c 150k. The river is a 5d. I check and he shoves for my last 400k.
This is kinda gross. I really only beat a 3 barrel bluff, but I think my hand looks weak. KQ is literally the top of my range in this spot. I don't really think he would just ship AK or AA (I could be wrong), because I don't think there are many hands in my range I can call with.
I tank for a while then call. He has KTh for top two.

It was a good run, but man it hurts to be on the otherside of the rail.
Try again at the LAPC? I'll be selling action for the main event at $103 for 1%, like the PCA.

I'll see you across the felt.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 3 - Today's Goal - Turn a million chips into a million dollars

Wheeeeeeeee. Ended the day with 874k. Not bad, but I had 1.3 million at one point. Blinds tomorrow will be 8000/16000. (I think. Might be 7500/15000) Average is 700k, and I'm guaranteed $38k at this point. I bet my backers are happy.

Most of today's hands were easier or more straight forward than before. As the tournament goes down the home stretch, it'll probably be like that. I left out the nuts and bolts hand and just wrote down the juicy stuff.

Today I'll try to post my stack size then villain's. I'm working from memory though, so I could be off a bit.

Here are my stack sizes on each breack.

My starting table was a little softer this time around but still had 3 name pros.

We were 8 handed for all of today.
Blinds and Antes 400/2k/4k
My stack: 274k His Stack: 170k
First hand of the day

Folds to me in the SB, and I decide to limp A9o. I have no idea how he plays, or have any idea how to respond to a 3bet. He looks young and dressed well, so I'm gonna assume he's a little laggish. He raises to 14k. I call.
Flop is Qc 3c 3s. I check and call 16k. We check down the turn and river and I win.

Matt Venegrin 120k
He open limps the button? Kinda weird. I check in the BB with 69o. I bet 6k on the T62r flop, and he calls. I immediately get some kind of gut instinct he's floating. Turn is an offsuit 7. Not a good card cause it makes 67, 78, 79, 89, beat me but good cause it gives me extra equity if he has a ten. I check and call his 16k bet on the turn. River is a 5. This is also a terrible card for the same reasons as a 7. I check and he tanks for a good time then bets 20k. I tank for a bit and decide his smallish bet could only be a bluff or a decent ten for value. If he had two pair (or better), I think he would bet bigger, and I don't think he would valuebet T8 or less. If he had JT or better, I think he would've raised preflop. So I figure it has to be a bluff or T9. Also when he tanks for a while, I think he is bet sizing a bluff or thinking about some really thin or something. If he had two pair, he probably wouldn't have taken so long. So after a bunch of probablys, I call and he mucks. I show 69o and he mutters to himself that he is terrible for trying to bluff calling stations. Shrugs.

New table. Another fun line up.
Seat 1: Me, Seat 2: a Winamax French pro, Seat 3: Daniel Negreanu, Seat 4: weak player, Seat 5: Another Winamax player, Seat 6: Random, Seat 7: Huck Seed, Seat 8: random

At least I quickly identified some softer spots. Negreanu was short also which was nice.

These hands took place on or near the money bubble.
I raised 7h7c in the CO to 13k, and the BTN shoves for 115k. I call and he has AQs. We have a sweat when the flop comes out 643 with two hearts, a Qh hits the turn, and I catch a 5 on the river to improve to the winner.

MP2 raises to 15k UTG. I call with Kh Qs otb (on the button). Flop is Qh 3h Qc. He bets 20k, and I minraise to 40k. This is an attempt to get him to bluff reraise, or flat call drawing very thin. A lot of decent thinkers will interpret this as a bluff or a flush draw because minraising a queen seems to make it so blatantly obvious that it is clearly not a queen. He makes it 80k, and I move in for 140k more and he folds.

I raise 97o to abuse the bubble (hell one player just litterally got up and left the table. What's up with that?) Folds to Huck Seed in the SB and he shoves. I fold. Then he tells me he never looked at his cards and turned over 93o. lolol, it's Winston's hand. nice play Huck

Villain in next hand busts Negreanu with 33 vs A9 on the bubble.

600k, just after the bubble. Villian has like 400k
Weaker player opened to 12.5k, I 3bet 22 in the SB to 32.5k. He tanks and goes to muck, then stares at me and changes his mind to call! I saw his about to fold, so clearly his hand isn't that good. I decide I will cbet any flop and then reevaulate from there. The flop is K T 5r. He calls my 47k cbet, and I put him squarely on KQ. The turn is a 2. Apparently customs didn't take away my luckbox, cause when I check/raise him to 175k, he shoves on me! I call and as I thought he has KQ and is drawing dead. I passed 1 million that hand.

Sumo is still doing work. His hand broke though.

6 handed
1 mil
Huck opens UTG for 12k, MP calls, I call in the CO with QQ, and the SB calls.
The flop is KT8r. Checks around. The turn is a 9 and the winamax player in the SB decides to shove for around 60k which is slightly more than a potsized bet. It folds to me and I snap call. I think his range is like Kx, and lots of pairs with straight draws, and maybe even some bare straight draws. He has KJ, and I'm drawing really thin. River bricks and he doubles.

900k - He has 220k
I open AKd to 12k, winamax 3bets to 22.5k, I 4bet to 60k, he shoves I call, and he turns over 86s. Board runs out 3 diamonds and I win with the nuts.

1.09 mil - 500k
I limp AQd in the SB as a trap against the new aggresive player. He raises to 15.5k and I call. The flop is Td7c4h, with one diamond. I c/c 22k. The turn is the Qc and I c/c 36k. The river is a 4, and I lead for 94.5k. He tanks for a long time and then calls and mucks. He said he had KQ. Seems reasonable.

1.3 mil - 300k
UTG opens (same villian as before) to 13.5k. I call in the SB with 76h. Flop is Ah Td 6s. Checks through. The turn is 3h. I bet 19.5k and he calls. The river is the As, and I c/f to 21k.

1.1 mil - 350k
I raise ATd UTG+1 to 13.5k. Guy behind me calls (same villian). Flop is Qc 9c 2c. I bet 14k. He calls. Turn is 6h. I bet 34.5k, and he folds.

1.2 mil - 80k
Btn opens to 16k. I 3bet ATd in SB to 40k. He calls? half his stack. Flop is 952r. I put him in and he calls with A5s. (lol wtf) He holds.

1 mil - 200k
(same villian) SB completes, I check in BB with 42o. Flop is Q62r. He bets 7k, I call. Turn is a 3. He bets 10k, I call. River is a 9. We both check, he had J6o.

1.2 mil - 350k
I raise J9c to 18k, in the SB. The BB calls. The flops is Kc 9s 4c. I bet 23.5k, the BB raises to 62k. I reraise to 150k, he shoves, I call and we're off to the races. He has K7d. brick brick, and I'm down to 900k.

Huck raises UTG+1 to 21k. I call with with 55 in the CO. Flops is 2h 3h 3d. He checks, I bet 28k. He c/res to 100k. I tank for a bit then shove for his last 80k. He calls with AQh and makes a flush.

I want to talk about this hand for a bit. I think my image was not wildly aggresive. I think I was playing my cards well, but aggresively and Huck knew that. I was also checking back a lot and pot controlling a fair amount, so I don't think he thought I would bet the flop with pure air very often. So I think if he actually had an overpair, he would just lead and give me a chance to float him. When he check/raised I was very confidant he had a flush draw (and I need to be given how small my equity is if beaten). I called, he said nice read, and got there.

New table and it's a pretty tough one. Several online high stakes cash players (like 25/50, 10/20 and 100/200 mix games) and Amnon Filippi on my left.

700k - 400k
UTG+1 raises to 21k. I call with black 55 right behind. Flop is Qc Jd 9d. We both check. Turn is a Qd. He check/calls 29k. River is the 9h. He checks and I bet 45k, he whines a bit about a queen then, calls with Ad 9s.
This hand was weird to me for several reasons. First, raising A9o UTG+1 seems pretty questionable, even if you do think you play better than other people. Second, I'm kinda suprised he almost folded the river. I guess I made the right bet size. On the turn I was valuebetting very thinly against Ace high, and bluffing against 66-88. The river is weird, because normally I wouldn't bet there (I think he calls too frequently), but he almost bet it himself, then decided to check. I thought he was going to bluff wtih something like 88 with a diamond, then changed his mind. So I decided to bet pretty smallish to try to fold a chop or Ace high if he got spooked. I didn't think he had a nine because I couldn't see what nines he could have raising in EP, then c/cing the turn. I could only think of T9s or maybe K9s, and decided to go for it.

Last hand of the level
700k - 500k
SB opens to 24,000. I call with 87c in the BB. The flop is Ad 9d 3s. He check/calls my bet of 33k. The turn is a 5s, and he tank check/calls my bet of 87k. The river is the Kd, and I pull a move out of Winston's book. When he checks, I moved in. He folds after tanking for a little bit.
I have some explaining to do.
I really don't think he can call this bet here. It seems very clear to me, he had a mediocre or weak ace. There is no reason I can't have a flush. He is an online player, which means he probably views overbets from randoms as strong. He also probably won't take weird lines to trap people and rely on them making absurd plays (like this one), so I doubt he has a set or a straight. If he had a flush draw, that would likely be a great flop to cbet, so I don't think he has that either.
All in all, seems liked a good spot for it. If I got called, I would've had around 200k at 5k/10k, which is a workable 20bb stack. For the same reason, I think he will fold. He would have to call off another 380k or so with one pair. I think he will get a bit spooked and just fold thinking he has plenty of room to manuever with 38bb next level.

CO: 400k
Me: 840k
CO opens to 23k, BTN 3bets to 64k, and I cold 4bet to 200k with 77. They both fold and BTN said he had AJ.

1 Mil
BTN opens to 32k, I 3bet 99 to 90k, Amnon 4bet shoves for 355k. The BTN snap calls all in for 320k. It's 265k more to me and there is almost no sidepot. Math time!
I'm estimating (and this is a bit optimistic IMO), that Amnon is shoving 77+, AJ+. I think the BTN is calling with like 99+, AQ+ (again optimistic) But the BTN's snapcalling range is probably more like AK, JJ+. So... with 2.5:1 odds and a very high chance of behind, ez fold. Where's the math in poker? You just saw it.
The actual math is that I have 27% equity against the two hand ranges (and this is using the buttons wider range) which is around a 3:1 dog. Getting only 2.5:1 I should fold.

AK unimproved beats AQ unimproved. If I call I have 1.7mil. Oh well, I can't call.

Very next hand
I open J9 to 30k, and Amnon puts his last 28k in the middle with 88. I lose the flip.

I open KQs to 30k, Amnon shoves for 46k with 88 again. I hit a king this time and he's gone.

Day end with 874k.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

I'll see you across the felt.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 3 here and Day 2 of play

Long story short, I started with 27k at 100 ante 500/1000 blinds and now I have 274k, at tomorrow's 400 ante 2000/4000 blinds.

Day 3 I didn't do much except sweat George for a while and play some blackjack.

Today got a loaded starting table. Here is the lineup and starting chip stacks

For those that may not recognize these names, Mike McDonald is Timex (and a Full Tilt red pro and youngest EPT winner ever), Matt Graham is a high ROI high stakes online tournament pro and, Annette Obrestad is a 20 year old poker genius. She won the World Series of Poker Europe at age 18, and her online name is annette_15.
You can see our starting chip stacks by clicking the picture

Fun line up especially when I only have 27bb.

ok on to the hands! I had quite a few, although none as tough as yesterday.

Effective 24k
BB also had around 33k, and looked Northern Euro, so I thought he might squeeze lighter here

Timex opens the button to 2400, I call in SB with AKh. BB folds. Flop Jc Th 5s. Check check. Turn 5h. I bet 2000 as thin value against hands like checked back Q8, AQ, Q9, and other straight draws. If he raised, I was going to shove. He calls. River 2s. I check he checks and shows KT. I think I saved money by betting really small on the turn.

19k effective
Timex raises to 2400 on the button again, and I call with 45s in the SB. The BB also calls. At this point, I've been pretty snug, so combined with the flatting the AK previously, I think I will respect for high cards here and will have a good chance to pick it up postflop or flop a concealed monster.
Flop is Ad Td 9s. Checks through. Turn Kh. I bet 3300, the BB calls. The river is a 8. I think for a bit and then bet 4300. I think the BB will fold weak aces, and hands like KQ. If he has a diamond draw, I doubt he will bluff raise here. If I get called I'm down to 9k, but I think I get a fold here often enough to go for it. He folds.

Seat 4 raises UTG+1 to 2600, I call in the CO with 77 (decided not to 3bet, I like taking a flop here and jamming on good flops, floating on some, and just folding bad ones). The BTN calls, and the BB calls (the BB is a weak player. Seat 2 for reference) Flop is 646r, and everybody folds to my 5k bet.

Annette raisees to 2.7k UTG, I call with Kh Qs in the CO (A little loose maybe? Annette opens a lot of pots though) The BB overcalls again. The flop is As Ts 6s. Checks to me, I check behind and opt to hit my draw for free. The turn is a 2. Checks to me I bet 3800 now to fold out small pairs and prevent myself from needing to bluff catch the river with King high. They both fold.

Tight player raises on HJ to 3400. I call black 66 in the BB. The flop is Jc8h5d, and I decide to c/c here and see if he just gives up. If I catch a 7, 6, 9, or 4 the extra equity might let me make some moves, but for now I plan to fold if he fires another shell. The turn is a 7d, and I check. He moves in! It's 23,400 to me. I'm confused. Let's break down his possible range.

AA-QQ: Overpairs kinda make sense, but why shove? That is likely to make me fold a jack and forces me to fold my draws OOP. Instead why not just valuebet? Seems possible but unlikely.
AJ, KJ, QJ: Similar logic to overpairs
Jd Xd: Why shove top pair here? You will only get called if beaten, and then you will have to suck out. Instead making a small valuebet makes much more sense. Extremely unlikely.
8d Xd: This makes sense. He could try to make me fold a jack (I've been playing pretty snug), and will have a ton of outs against whatever I have.
QTd, KTd, KQd, AXd: These all make a lot of sense. Fold out pairs have a ton of outs if beaten.
Two Pairs, sets and straight: Makes no sense for same reasons as overpairs.

Well it seems like he MIGHT have a better pair, but is more likely jamming a draw. The other thought is if beaten by a big pair, I still have 10 outs. I call.
He shows me QQ. He holds.

Well I suck at this game. And now we go on break.

UTG shoves for 12k. I call with 44 on the button and it turns out he covers me by 400 chips. I win and double up.

Noah Boeken moves in UTG for 2100 after running KK into AA. Annette raises to 6.2k. I squeeze out JJ in the SB and shove. Annette folds KQ. Noah has A8o, board runs out KK248. Good thing she folded.

I raise A7c in the CO to 3600. Matt Graham reraises to 9.3k in the BB. I shove, he instafolds.

I raise HJ with A3o. Annette calls in the BB. Flop is Q66r. I bet 4200, she check raises to 9500. I felt like I was getting bluffed here, but didn't want to ship it on her. I fold.

23k (been card dead for a while)
Annette raises to 4500 in MP1. I push A8o in the SB, and she snapcalls with JJ. Flop AA8. Oops. Ship the chips.

Timex got crippled with AQ vs KK. He shoves for 12k in the HJ, I reshove 77 in the CO. I flop a set and we're done.

I raise Ad8h in 4400 in MP2, HJ calls. Flop is Qh 6c 4h. I bet 5200, he calls. Turn 6h. I bet 10.7k, he jams over, and I fold.

UTG+1 is a northern european player who replaced Timex. He raised to 5200, I 3bet to 13800 with AA. He calls. As he calls I hear Annette say to Matt, wow this might be a bad time to get QQ or JJ (This was my first 3bet in 4 levels, however this guy doesn't know that). As she's talking the flop comes out QQJr. We all just start laughing. He checks, I bet 15k, with 19k behind. He ships after some deliberation, and I call. He has ATo (wtf moment) and bricks out. I double through him and for the first time I have over 100k.

100k each
UTG raises to 6000. I call in the BB with KTs. Flop Qs Jc 6h. I check/call 8k. Turn Js. I check and decide that I won't check raise here. (I think his betting range is too strong) He checks behind. The river is a Kh. I check and he bets 13.9k. I deliberate for a bit and then decide he might be turning a small pair into a bluff or going for super thin value with AQ. I call and he shows 55.

MP2 raises to 6000. I call with J9d in the SB. Flop is 2c Tc Jh. I check/call 11k. Turn Qh. I check, he thinks for a really long time then checks behind. If he bet, I don't know what to do. I think I would fold. River 8s. I tank for a while then bet 23.7k. He instafolds, makes me think he had a nut flush draw.

UTG raises to 5.2k with 120k behind. He's a commerce reg, and was wearing a Hustler sweatshirt. Maybe a 10/20 reg or something? Seems good.
I call his raise with 86s UTG+1. I'm relying on his and mine early position to avoid getting squeezed lightly. Matt Graham also calls in the HJ. (he has 400k, after the euro kid donated 120k to him with unimproved sixes when Matt had a flush) Flop is Tc 9s 9h. UTG checks, I bet 7800, Matt flats, and then UTG check raises to 20.4k. We both fold and feel slightly confused. AA? A9? What is that?

Last hand of the level
Matt raises UTG to 6.2k. I 3bet the SB with J4h to 18.2k and he folds.

My table goes broken here, so all the new players are mostly unknowns.

My first pot I get 3bet and I fold. After the fact I know now he had a monster.

Btn moves in for 27.k. I call in the BB with A4o cause he looks young and looks like he knows what he's doing. He turns over 89o, and the board runs out KKTJ 8. Damn. Oh well.

UTG+1 limps. This was suprising. Limpers are rare at this stage of the tournament. He was also a youngish kid, which makes me think he is probably not very good and doesn't not have a balanced range. (Young kids rarely have balanced limping ranges) I decide to isolate him with 85o and raise to 9k. He limp/calls. The flop is Qd Tc 8d. We both check, the turn is a 6. He checks and I bet 10k. He calls. The river is a 2. He thinks for a while then bets 13.8k. I basically snap call and he mucks. Unfortunately the rules at the tournament are you must showdown the winner, so everybody sees I have 85o. I mentally decide to tighten up now.

Around now George goes out in 305th with JJ vs AQo for 22bb.

UTG raises to 7500. I call in the CO with 44. Flop is K86r. He check folds QQ to my 9.2k bet. He said he thought I really had it that time. I told him I had KQ. One of my few lies at the poker table.

Last hand of the night
HJ opens to 8500 (same guy as UTG, he meant to raise to 7500) The SB tanks grabs some 5k chips and then puts them back and just calls. I thought he had a real monster, so I decided to call with Q6s in the BB for 5500 and look for a chance to crack two aces. The flop is Jd 6h 2d. Everyone checks. The turn is a 6. The SB bets 15.1k, and I make it 33.1k total. He calls. River is a 8. He checks, and I move in for around 60-70k. (not sure exactly) He tanks forever then calls with what I assume is an overpair. He mucks and we end the day with 274.4k

Really looking forward to tomorrow.

I'll see you across the felt.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2 and Day1a (tons of strategic content)

Yesterday I played some more blackjack and won again. Then I played the $1,100 mega satellite to the PCA and busted when I got KK cracked twice.

I wandered around the resort in the day just checking stuff out. I'll post some pictures at the end.

I played D1a of the PCA main event. We started with 30k in chips for the $10,300 buyin. For those that don't want to read the hands, I ended the day with 26,900 in chips.

Interesting and critical hands

50/100 - 7 handed
33k effective stacks
UTG+1 raises to 300 (young Scandinavian kid), I raise 87s to 900, he calls. Flop is Qd Ts 2h, he check/calls 1250. Turn 7c, he checks, I check. River 2s he bets 1050, I tank call, he mucks.
I'm getting 5:1 to here vs a player who seems like his range is wider than it appears. I also think that he would go for bigger value with a Q, so I don't think he has top pair, and it's pretty thin to bet a Ten this early in the tournament. Besides he's a scandi.

Not a hand I played, but it sets a tone for how this guy plays.
UTG +1 raises to 450, MP1 raises to 1250, BTN (Scandi) raises to 4,000, UTG+1 folds, MP1 raises to 9600, Scandi ships it for 33k, MP1 calls with KK. Scandi has 94o and kings hold.

Scani 30k, BB 16k, I have 38k.
I raise A8d to 450, scandi calls on btn, BB calls. Flop is 866r, BB leads for 1k.
At this point I'm almost 100% I have the best hand against the BB. I really doubt he leads 99+ or 6x here, so I'm certain he has 8x or 79 or 75. I raise to 2.4k for straight value and plan to bet other streets on bricks. The BTN however folds my plan by cold calling my raise. I'm not sure what his range is here, but I think its like 6x, straight draws, and 99-TT. That's about it. So when the turn comes a 4, I check fold to his 5.2k bet. It's not beyond reason for me to have the best hand here, but I think I should just find a better spot.

UTG+1 (Scandi) 30k
MP1 14k
MP2 13k
HJ (Me) 43k
CO 25k
BB 20k

UTG+1 raises to 525, everyone calls. Flop is 8c 7c 2s. Checks to me and I bet 2500 cause CO is a nit and everyone else would lead this flop with a made hand. So my only concern is BB having some kind of monster that would c/r here.

UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls, MP2 calls. Turn is a Ks. Everyone checks to me I bet 9500, Scandi c/shoves for 22k more. MP1 folds, MP2 makes a speech about how this is the time to get lucky now that he saw the turn (basically telling me he has a spade draw and something), and MP2 c/cs all in for 10k.

I think UTG+1 is too aggresive to check/call a set in a 6 way pot on a board that gives so many draws. Same for aces and two pair. So I think he has like JTs or other straight draw that turned a flush draw, or Kxc.
The problem is I'm certain MP2 already has a spade and straight draw, so I think Scandi has Kxc. While he is very laggish I'm pretty sure he isn't raising K5c UTG+1 or anything, so I think he has KTc-AKc, and MAYBE K9c. KJ isn't fairing too well against that range so I folded.

As it turned out, Scandi had KJc, and MP2 had 69s and caught a spade on the river.

I got hot coffee spilled on my around this time.

Effective stacks
UTG covers
CO 12k
SB (me) 35k
UTG raises to 800, CO calls, I call in SB. Flop is Qs 6s 4s, I check cause I see UTG reaching for chips and he bets 1600. CO folds, and I decide to c/c. The turn is an 8h. I check and he bets 5k. I raise to 12.8k and he calls. The river is the Ks, and I check because I'm an idiot and wanted him to try to bluff me. But there are like no hands he would turn into a bluff here. He checks behind and obv I win.

edit: I didn't say what I had. I think some of you can figure it out, but I flopped the nut flush wtih ATs.

Effective stacks
48k (I'm the shorter stack)
I raise QQ UTG+1 to 800, the HJ 3bets to 2400. He has been playing very solid (not tight just all around playing well) so far. I decide to flat rather then 4bet and put myself in a really awkward spot postflop. I would rather underrep my hand and set up a precedent for having stronger hands in reraised pots. Flop is 975r, I check, and call 3200. The turn is an 8. I check and call 5800. This was a mistake in retrospect. I think his range is simply too strong. He will have KK, AA, JJ, and TT here a lot. However he will also have hands that he reraised light with like JTo, 6x, 78o and so on.

I check/call a river bet of 7300, hoping he is going for super thin value with JJ or is just on a berserko bluff. He shows me 98o and I feel like a retard.

Effective stacks
32k (same villian)

UTG raises to 800, I call with AcKd on the button. Flop is 5h Ad 7d, he bets 1350, I raise to 4000. He calls turn is 7h. He checks and I instacheck behind. I think I'm disguising my hand as a combo draw that raised in an attempt to take down the pot and is now taking a free card. His interest peaks at the turn check, and now I think he has an ace. The river is an offsuit 6, and he checks, and I bet 10k. He now goes into the tank, and I'm afraid my overbet might lose him. He eventually calls and shows AQ when he loses.

UTG 55k
UTG+1 (me) 43k
CO (same villian as before) covers

UTG raises to 1200, I raise to 3400 with KK, CO raises to 7400. Folds back to me I call. I don't want to get 110bb in preflop with KK here cause when UTG raises and I reraise, we have both shown a ton of strength. The CO 3bet is also super strong, and I plan to play the hand carefully.

The flop is Qh Th 9c. I check and tank fold to an 11.8k bet. He shows me QQ. Fold of the day right there.

UTG covers
HJ 7k
ME 28k

UTG raises to 1100, HJ calls, I decide to call with 88, maybe should've 3bet to try to get it in preflop vs HJ. Flop is 842r. Checks to me I check, turn is an 6 checks to me I bet 2300, and take it down. Very disappointing.

BB 35k
UTG (same kid, he's on fire) 80k
MP2 21k
Me 30k

UTG raises to 1600, MP2 calls, I call with A9s on the button, the BB calls. The flop is 9c 4h 2h, checks to MP2 who bets 3200. I call and UTG c/r to 10.3k. MP2 folds, and now I'm in quite a dilemma. I know he could have hands like AKh, A5h, 56h, 89h, but do I really want to risk my tournament here on what is a coinflip? What if he decided to check raise an overpair? If I shove, will he fold TT-AA? I eventually decide to fold, but am still uncertain.

SB is absent
28k effective
Folds to CO who raises to 2000. I call with Kh9c on the button, since I think his range can be pretty wide here. (it's already wide in the first place)
Flop is 9h 8c 4c. He bets 2500, I call. Turn is 2c, he bets 5k, I call. River is Ac he bets 6k, I call. He has KQc for the nuts.

Not sure if I was supposed to do anything different here, I think postflop is standard. I guess I should fold pre, except I've been picking up a lot of pots postflop vs this guy.

Effective stacks
12k before my BB.
Folds to BTN who deliberates for a bit then raises to 2.2k
I shove 97o, he calls with JJ and I win. Not sure what to say here, I think his range was wide enough for me to steal. This was the first time I've 3bet out of the blinds and haven't restolen before.

Effective stacks
25k (I cover, nice change for once)
same villian raises to 2.2k from MP, I call with A8d in CO. Flop is Qd Td 9c, he bets 4k, I raise to 11k, he folds.

I ended the day with 27k.

I played ok. I should've folded the QQ, if I did I would've ended with 32k instead of 27k and wouldn't have shoved with 97o. Only takes one mistake in NLHE. I think I ran bad. There were a lot of hands where I was set mining in multiway pots but missed. Also got 3bet a lot, had to fold almost everytime. I kept having hands that played really poorly postflop OOP against a 3bettor, and a 4bet was simply too much risk for my tastes. My table was really aggro which is expected, but play wasn't amazing. There were 3 good players and the rest were kinda w/e. Early I was connecting on flops and quickly won like 15k. Then I just ran card dead and got in some bad spots postflop. I also let myself get squeezed twice preflop, that I was not happy about.

Oh well, looking forward to day 2. It'll be on Thursday, and you can follow updates live at

Now picture time from Atlantis!
Almost all of these came from "The Dig" which is basically an underground aquarium

Jellyfish. Half the time it's smarter than I am. I am so bad at poker.

Random fish and sculptures

That black fish was HUGE. What is that anyways?

Sea Horse

What is this? I couldn't figure it out.

Eels that apparently don't mind the light.

Lobsters I think. From underneath they look really weird

Now switching to a sea of humanity. Or mostly just degenerates who play at Jokerstars. There were actually a lot more people you can't see.

I'll see across the felt.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting the new year with a bang

I took it easy on the New Year's eve and just hung out at a friends house. We went out drinking, ate some sushi, and just had some fun. Mike asked to get staked into a $24+2 on Full Tilt, so I backed him for it. He was saying he really felt like this was the one. About 2 hours after it turns to 2010, Mike calls me up and tells me he's on the final table! I sweated him until it ended, and he finished second. I thought he played perfectly, and if he didn't run TT into JJ HU for 20bb, I think he would've won.

The cool part about it is that when we were doing the math on my share, I got $2,009. Coincidence, or greater power at work?

Later that day, I got ready for flying out to the Bahamas, packed and then headed to the casino a bit to play some. I won around $4,500 starting the year off right. This is a picture of my stack at the peak of my session. Unforunately, I ended my night when I ran KK into a set and paid off. It might've been avoidable but it's hard to fold kings against loose players.

I'm already in the Bahamas now, and I may decide to do a blog post each day. On the other hand it costs $15 a day for internet.

I have a rant about spirit airlines I need to get out. They suck. They basically made my trip miserable. First they don't let you print boarding passes out at home. That wouldn't be such a big deal if the people at the service counter weren't incompetent. Then after I fly from LAX to Fort Lauderdale, instead of sending my bag to Nassau where my final location is, they make me get my bag from the baggage claim, and then check it back in again. This means waiting through the line at spirit AGAIN. And then going through security AGAIN. And did I mention that they never gave me my boarding pass for the second leg of the trip? So I had to go get that too. If I didn't have a 3 hour layover, I don't know if I would've made it in time. Ridiculous.

I'll try to add pictures and stuff later. For now here is an image of the lagoon at night. The rays came out after dark I guess, it's pretty cool, because I'm right next to the water.

Friday, January 1, 2010

December Monthly Report and Yearly Results

Cash Games Live $11,055
Online ($1,085.55)
Tournaments Live $131
Online ($2,860)
Poker $7,240.24
Staking $1,656.66
Net on month $8,896.90

Yearly Results
Cash Games Live $7,335
Online ($6,017)
Tournaments Live $76,011
Online ($2,013)
Poker $74,100
Staking ($1,388)
Total $72,711

Poker related expenses
Net on the year

Could be worse could be better.

I'm hoping to break the $100k mark next year. I think that's a reasonable goal. My next level goal is to make $300k. Wish me luck