Sunday, February 3, 2008

Progress Post #9: Hold'Em, Omahahaha, and Alcohol, oh my!

Jeff wanted to get mentioned in my blog. There you go. You got mentioned.

Since my last post
Live Cash Games: +$55
Online cash games:+$105.93
Online Tournaments: -$11

Winnings this year to date.
Live Cash Games: -$429
Online cash games: -$22.27
Online Tournaments: +$2,418

So on Friday, we decided we would play a mixed game and alternate between No Limit Hold'Em and Pot Limit Omaha. For those that don't know, Omaha plays exactly like Hold'Em except you have four cards and must use two and only two of your hole cards.

Our lineup for our .25/.50 mixed game

Matt and Aki observed, under the premise "it's fun to watch Bryce lose money." Well that's probably true, lol.

Hey look Jeff, you got mentioned again! How lucky.

So the game started off fast... as usual.
We play some omaha and Chang bets three streets with an overpair and totally overplays his hand... if that's all he had. He showed QQ8x and couldve had a possible straight with 98. I folded two pair to him on the river, as did Forest. I get down to about $35 from my $50 buyin.

I get stacked almost immediately.
Chang limps, I raise with AJ, Chang calls.
The flop comes Jc7s4c something similar.
He checks, I bet like $5 he raises to like $15 and I push. He groans and says he's priced in to call. He calls with 78o... and spikes a 8 on the turn. Matt is here too just hanging out, and he is laughing his ass off now.
I just shake my head and reload $50 more.
Then I get the Ah9hTc4c all in against something like KcQh7h2d on a KhQc5h flop. I'm not 100% what my equity is, but I think it's pretty good here, like around 45% or more. I need to find an Omaha equity calculator. It goes brick brick, and I'm out another $50.

I reloaded for $100 more, and the night continues.

We drink some. I tried out some tequila that Chang says was better than Patron. Chang left in his new car, and came back with it after not too long. Tim tried it and said I wouldn't be able to down two shots at once. I asked him if he wanted to bet on it, and when he declined, I downed two shots. Hah, owned.
I must be a lightweight cause just two shots and a little ale, had me buzzed if not drunk. I was definitely playing worse. On the other hand, it also let me set a record, I bluffed Winston twice, in the period of like 5 hands. The third try though cost me my whole stack lol.
Winston looked me up on a J557K 3 flush board, with J7. Well, it's Winston. Standard.
As usual Winston was being a beast. He chased after the bonus with 27 and triple barreled Jeff in a big Omaha pot. Then found out that you can't collect with 27 in Omaha.
Then he min raises Jeff on a 4 flush board on the river and took down another good sized pot.
Jeff, here's your 3rd mention.

I reloaded for 200 more. And eventually get Winston GOOD. Although he got me good too. He had me drink another double shot, this time of Patron. I still haven't found a beer or alcohol mix I like, so I guess when I drink, I'll stick to shots. Anyways, Winston pushed into my top two pair with an OESD. And omg I actually held up. What a concept.

Winston quit after that, and Aki went to sleep. It's around 2 or 3. Matt made a Del Taco run and we got H-ed out of the cheese on our fries. The people who hang out with Rob and Winston knows what that means.

Anyways, Winston quit, Jeff left (you got mentioned again!) and then Chang, Forest, Tim and I played 4 handed for a while. Forest actually cashed out $120 and lost the rest. He was completely smashed for like 2 hours. Later he bought back in then got totally sucked out on by Tim. I ended up $55, since Chang's A7 beat my KK when we got all in on a 642 flop. Standard.

Call of the night: Jeff's call with AJxx on an JT885 on a 3 flush board. It was a super sick call of Chang's all in on the river. I was like wowwwwwwwww what a call. Too bad Chang showed him a straight.

Bluff of the night: Winston's 27 bluff in omaha. That was sick.

Suckout of the night: Tim's AA beats Forest's 98 on the 765 rainbow flop. That was ridiculous, especially since I folded a 6 and Chang folded a 5. The board goes runner 6 6. So sick.

Anyways all and all, it was a fun night.

I actually got a job tutoring, so my time play poker and blog will decrease.

Oh and Jeff. Stop whining. You play fine, everyone has bad days. You're definitely one of the better players I know.

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