Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Progress Post #10: The most degenerate home game ever! Courtesy of Winston

I wrote this as I was playing, and then put it online at a later date. If my thoughts seem a bit jumbled that's why.
February 21st - Update. I played a home game last night. I won $237. Nothing extremely notable, I caught a 2 outter on Winston for a good sized pot (JUSTICE!), and Nate and Rob were stacking chips. I got pretty lucky I also outflopped AA with 88 in a huge preflop pot.


I'm at the home game right now. Mike, Marshall and other people are making fun of me for writing this. lol, they'll probably end up reading this anyways. Nate is whining he still hasn't gotten mentioned. Congratulations Nate, read the line previous to this one.

I'm not playing right now. I took a break and got some food. Chipotle obv.

It's been a pretty swingy month so far. I was down about $1,000 then I took down another tournament. This time on FTP. $24+2 6m KO NLHE tourney. $2,795 for first. I got 10 KOs along the way for another $40. Jeff was complaining that me winning that took my bankroll above his. lol, out of everyone sweating me on the final table he was the only person who was rooting for me to lose.

Since my last post, Updated as of February 21st.
Live Cash Games: -$127
Online cash games: +$382.14
Online Tournaments: +$2244.4

Winnings this year to date.
Live Cash Games: -$556 (I swear one of these days, I'll actually win a monster pot when I'm a monster favorite. Wait till you see this one.)
Online cash games: +$359.87.
Online Tournaments: +$4662.4

I ran pretty good in the tournament. I plan to withdraw about $2,000.

LOL Nate just overbet pushed the flop with AA and got called by top pair and held up. Nice play Nate, nice play. Excellent value push, being drunk is definitely +EV.

Our group for tonight includes:
SK Winston
Mitch Stephan
Nate (the drunk guy) Zach
Another Nate Alex
Marshall Jeff
Mike Me

Aki is watching as always, and Rob decided to just deal tonight.

As usual the game has turned into a degenerate drunken fest of gambling. Who am I kidding?
It starts that way. Nate and I played Ro-Sham-Bo for $5 while we were waiting for the game to start. I trashed him 3-1 best out of 5.

I'm playing again now. Mitch had to go back and work in SK's spot. What a degen. Lol.

I get TT vs 99 vs AA on a T9x flop. I triple through Winston and Marshall and propel my stack up to over $200. I'm only in for $40.

Oh man, I got him.
I just won a 9.5 buyin pot of Winston. With K3o. Preflop.

I straddled, there is some action and then Winston makes a monster push for like $200+.
It's folded around to me and I have a sick feeling I'm good here. I think about his hand range. He doesn't tend to push in unraised pots at all, but I doubt he do it with AA. The 72o rule is in effect, so I have to consider that. He also loves 93o (cause he bluffed with it against me before). 63o (cause he keeps hitting straights with that hand), and T8o (the Chuck Norris). I figure there might be some other random chaff, but I think since I dominate 2 of the 4 hands I think are most likely, I decide to call. He also told me he'd give me $25 to call him, which makes me think he was trying to convince me to fold. I probably shouldn't have wrote that. Now, it's gonna be a stupid mind game next time he does it.

I hold up, he has 72o, and I scoop a huge pot.

Some action goes down, SK makes some sick plays that will be described in detail later.

I just folded AQs with the nut flush. Wow. I am really playing on it tonight. I think my hand reading skills are like really good at the moment.

Winston straddled, Nate minraises, I decide to flat call on the button. Winston calls. The flop is Th7s6s. Winston bets out for $5, Nate calls, I call. Turn is the 5s, and I'm like nice, I got there. Winston bets $15, Nate raises to $50, and I get a sick feeling that I'm no good here. I can't just fold my hand and just calling seems terrible there, so I raise to $100 which puts Nate all in. Winston thinks and calls.
I immediately put him on a straight flush.
I can't explain it. I mean 9s8s makes perfect sense given the way he played it, it's just so sick. How can I put him on one hand?

Nate calls all in.

The river is a 6h pairing the board. Winston pushes for $300+ and I fold my cards face up. I call out Winston with a straight flush. Winston flips over 9s8s, Nate has JsTs.

Megacooler much?

Ugh, Winston got me again. Reraised pot I have AJs, he has AQs. Flop is AJ5. Turn is Q.

Winston: Standard.

He's watching me type this now.

and... this is the big hand of the night. I open to $3 with KK. Winston reraised to $8, and I decided to just call to try to trap him. The flop comes out Kh Jh 5d.
I check.
Winston bets $15.
I raise to $45
Winston reraises to $75.
I reraise to $275.
He thinks for a while and finally calls.

I consider pushing all in in the dark. I probably should've.
The turn is an Ace. I push for another $325. Winston thinks and thinks and thinks. He says he has AK. I don't say anything. He eventually calls.
Me: I got you beat for now.
Winston looks at the river card.
Winston: Ship it.
Me: Fuck.

He scoops a $1,200 pot in a $0.25/$0.50. So sick.

Rob wants me to say he practically pissed his pants when he heard me go off.

Winston feels sorry, so he gives me $200. But he says he's gonna take it all back. And he does, 3 hands later.

SK gets an entire paragraph dedicated to him.
First he folds 98 on a JsTs7h. The sick part is Winston would've caught on him if he played it out.

Then I read him perfectly, and he shows me QQ on a KQQ flop. I folded KJ lol.

Then he makes a terrible laydown and check/folds AK to me on an Ace high flop. I would've runner runnered him. Somehow he manged to come out up some money anyways.

Awards for the night:
Sickest fold: SK folding 98o with the nutz. LOL
Runner up goes to me for folding the nut flush.

Biggest bad beat: Winston Clearly.

I gotta say despite what happened, I felt I played extremely well. Near perfect. I got away from lots of second best hands and snapped bluffs. IMO, I feel I should've left with like 1200+, but the forces of the universe conspired against me. Well there is always tonight. I got midterms coming up, so I won't have an update for a while.

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