Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 1 PCA Hands

Busted day 1, thought I played pretty good, but I made a few tight folds. I don't really regret any of my decisions.

I'm in seat 1, 10 handed to start, 9 handed later.

50/100 30k
First hand I sit down, I get AA. UTG raises to 250, I 3bet to 800 in CO, he calls. Flop AQJr, he c/fs to 1200.

Open TT UTG to 300, MP2 calls, BTN calls, SB calls. A73r flop. SB checks, I check, MP1 bets 500, BTN raises to 1350, SB folds. I tank for a bit, cause I'm pretty sure BTN has air here, maybe a legit draw like 45. But I didn't think he was balanced here, and he was pretty bluffy. I debated cold 3betting the flop, and cold calling. I decided to fold cause my read wasn't solid enough to risk that. MP calls, and then won the pot on the river with a bet of 500, so the BTN was bluffing.

UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, HJ puts in a 500 chip (but he meant to raise), I limp button with 86o. SB calls, BB checks. Flop is 8d5s3s. Checks to me and I bet 450. The SB c/cs, and UTG+1 c/rs to 2050. I fold, SB folds.

75/150 29.5k

MP (very aggro bluffy kid) raises to 400, Chris Bjorn reraise in HJ to 1100. I cold call TT on the button. MP 4bets to 4100, Chris folds, I tank for a while and fold. At the time I thought, he would have to be value oriented, cause I thought Chris was some random old guy, and I didn't think that MP would 4bet light over his 3bet. I could've been wrong though

This hand I think I played kinda badly. I raise 65d to 450 in MP1. MP2 calls, and BTN calls.
Flop is Qh 9d 8d. I decide not to cbet because I felt I would get floated a lot and get in some bad spots on the turn. I also felt MP2 would bet a very wide range here, and I could c/r him and get a lot of folds. MP2 bets 1050. The BTN raises to 2600. I tank for a bit and decide on cold calling. I think here, I should've folded instead. If I had like 76d or T7d, I think cold calling is ok, but given a bet and a raise, I think I'm going to be up against a higher flush draw too often to call with my hand. If I'm up against JT, I can't even hit a 7 anyways, and I can't really play my flush very aggressively. After I call, MP2 decides to 3bet the flop to 6150. BTN folds. At this point, I didn't really think I could fold anymore. I don't think he 3bets a hand like QXd, so having to call 3500 more into a pot that has now gotten to be over 13k, I don't think I can fold my flush draw. Turn is the 9h. I check and MP2 checks back pretty quickly. When he checks behind fast, I felt like he never has JT, and probably never has a full house. I put him on something like AJd, ATd, maybe like QJd, QTd. I felt that on a brick river, I could set him in and get him to fold nearly every time.
The river is the 7d, giving me a straight flush. I think for a bit and I just jam for 17k effective. I thought he had a flush here everytime, and I didn't think he was capable of folding it. Well I was wrong, he folded ATd. Obviously, if he is valuebetting the river, c/shoving is better, but at the time I thought he would be more likely to call a shove then bet/call the river.
This hand was played badly several different ways. Nice to get lucky though

Aggro kid raises 400 in CO. I've seen him make some a few spewy bluffs, and he likes to attack a lot of pots. Chris Bjorn calls in the SB, and I call with 86c in the BB. The flop is Q43r. SB checks, I lead 600, planning to 3bet a flop raise. CO flats, and SB folds. The turn is the Jc giving me a flush draw. I lead for 1250, he raises to 3400, and I 3bet to 8250 and he folds.

100/200 41.8k
I raise T7s to 600 on CO. BTN flats. Qd Qs 6d flop. I bet 750. He calls. I think he floats here a reasonable amount. I think I could double him on some cards, but actually don't like my cbet much. I think he just floats too wide. Turn and river are a 3 and 5, so I just c/f opposed to spewing off a lot of chips 3 barreling.

Chris limps in UTG+1 and I iso with K9c to 700 in MP1. The BTN flats, he is a decent online sng/tournament player, but not that strong in my opinion. Chris calls and we see a Qc 2c 3h flop.
Chris checks, I bet 1250, and they both call. Turn Qd. Chris, I check, and the BTN bets 1700. Chris check/calls, I call. I think I should've check raised. His sizing was pretty small, and I thought he would bet larger with trips. River 5. Chris checks, I check, and BTN bets 6200. Chris folds, and I tank fold. I wanted to check/raise the river too. I didn't think I could rep anything though. I thought he was bluffing, but I didn't think I could call, because I thought even all his bluffs could beat king high. His sizing seemed very inconsistent to me, he bet 1/3 pot on the turn in a spot, where you are almost always up against a flush draw or medium strength pocket pair. I think he would've bet larger with Qx, probably something like 2600 or more. On the river, his river bet seemed kind of like a desperation bet, and I think I should've just gone through with my raise, even if I didn't rep anything, because I was so sure he was bluffing. In the end, I folded and he proudly showed off his AJ bluff.

150-300 33k
BTN opens to 850. I flat T8c in the BB. Td8s7s flop. I c/r his 1100 bet to 3000. He folds

I raise TT to 800 in HJ, SB calls. Flop KJ7r. He leads for 300. I know he isn't a donk, so I assume he's trying to induce me to raise. I decide to make a fairly light peel. Turn is a Tc putting out a backdoor flush draw. He bets 300 again. Given that I think he's trying to induce me, I now raise to 1600. He calls. River is a 4. He bets 300 again, so I raise to 5500 and he calls with K7d.

I raise 44 to 800. Two callers in position, and I c/f the 953hh Th turn.

150/300/25 ante 45k
I raise A8o to 800 in HJ. BB calls. She is a weak player. AJ8r flop. She check/calls 1200. Turn 2. she c/f to me 2150 bet.

UTG+1 raises to 800, Chris Bjorn 3bets on the button to 2600. I 4bet KK to 6950, UTG+1 jams for 21k. Chris folds, and I grudgingly call. He has Aces, I lose.

UTG opens to 800, I 3bet A7o to 2150. He calls. Flop T23dd. I have Ad. He checks, I bet 1825 and he folds.

200/400/50 27k
Lady opens UTG+1 raises to 1200, I flat AQc on the button. The BB calls. 9c 5d 2c flop. BB leads for 2300, and she instaraises to 7300 with 15k behind. I tank for a while, and I decide to fold. I think that I have no folding equity vs overpairs, and I think that my best chance is hoping she has JJ and I have two overs. If she has AA then I have none. Additionally the BB isn't a drooler, so his lead out range there will include some bluffs, but will also include flush draws and possible sets. When he has a flush draw, he has some of my outs, and when he has a set, my pair outs are no good. Overall, I think it's a really borderline fold. I could've jammed this, but I don't think the pot was large enough to justify getting it in vs an overpair there.

I open A5o in HJ to 1025, BTN 3bets to 2600, I 4bet to 6475 and he folds.

MP2 opens to 900, Chris Bjorn 3bets to 2600 in CO, and I 4bet QQ to 6250 on BTN and everyone folds.

I raise A3h in HJ to 1025. BTN flats. 8c 2h 3c. I check/call 1200. Turn Th. I c/c 2800. River Tc. I check and tank call 5300. He has 99.
This hand was a little tricky for me. Not sure if this was a good call on the river or not. I'm basically relying on the fact that he was barreling and is bluffing now. I definitely thought he would be capable of barreling off in this spot because my hand looks so weak, but that doesn't mean he can't just have it. I think there are a lot of hands he might potentially bet flop and turn with, but I feel like I'm making a lot of assumptions. Maybe I should c/r the turn? I don't really feel like I rep any value hands, so that seems bad. Not sure the best way to play this hand.

I open QJo in HJ to 1050. BTN 3bets to 2100. He has been 3betting me very wide, but here he accidently made it 2050 instead of 2500. I call. Qd 8h 3h flop. I check and he checks back. Turn is 5s. I check, he bets 3100 and I jam for 17k, and he insta mucks.
I think for a bit and I feel like he would go for both thin value, and bluff with his air. I also think that he might level himself into a call if I go for a check/jam so shove for value against weak Queens, JJ, TT, 99, and some 8x hands.

300/600/50 24k
I raise A2s in MP2 to 1600. BB calls Flop Ac Kc 7d. He check/calls 2350. Turn 5. We both check. River 6. He bets 4200. I made the call on the river and he had A6. This was a really borderline spot, and part of why I called is because he has been caught bluffing a lot. However, I didn't actually think his bluffing range in this spot would be that large. I think it was a bad call in retrospect.

I raise A6d 1600 and a short stack jams from the BTN for 5175. I call, she has AK and I lose.

CO opens to 1900, SB flats, and I jam A9o. CO calls with AQ and I bink a 9.

I open A8s to 1600. Short stack lady calls, flop is 9s 6d 3s. I bet 2150, she jams for 8k more, I snap and she has KJs. I hold with ace high.

HJ opens to 2100. I 3bet 28c to 5425. He calls. J92r flop, and he c/cs 7500. Turn Qh, river 5h, and we check down. He wins with T9s.
This hand is particularly notable because after this hand is when I learned my villian was Chris Bjorn. I would've checked back flop if I knew who he was. I think the hand plays out like this otherwise. Turn Qh brings a backdoor flush draw. He would probably lead, and I would either fold or float depending on his sizing. If he checks, I would check back. River 5h. I think he would be forced to c/f the river here, seeing how I could easily have a flush or a queen. In the actual hand, I bet the flop mostly because I thought he would be super fit or fold, but knowing who it is now, I would think he can peel and c/r a little lighter, leading me to take a free shot at improving my pair.

500/1000/100 24k
I open A5s UTG to 2000. Chris Bjorn calls in BB. 763r flop, he check/calls my 2300. Turn 6, c/c river 9. He bets 7000, I fold.

Chris opens to 2100 in CO, I get AA and jam. He folds.

I raise 65h to 2k UTG. Chris calls in the BB. Ac 9h 2d, he c/cs 2300. Turn Qh, he c/fs to 3600.
Pretty loose open, but my UTG raises were getting a lot of respect.

20.3k Bustout hand
Chris Bjorn raises in CO to 2300. I jam KJh, and he semi tanks with Ak. I brick he wins.

I think I ran bad overall, but misplaying that 28c cost me a lot of chips. I also had one guy on my left who was 3betting me a lot, and he just caught me holding a hand like KJo, QJo, KQo almost everytime. I picked up some really premium hands, but almost never got action.
Oh well, run hotter next time.

I'll see you across the felt.

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