Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Day of the NAPT... and the Only One.

A lot of standardish hands but I lost my notes for some more complex ones.

I open QQ to 300 in EPish, and I get 3bet to 800 by the guy to my left. I flat call. Flop is Kc Jh Tc. I check and fold to his 1800 bet. The pot is only 1750, and I felt his range was pretty strong. I'm not sure what else I can do, calling seems bad because I can't take any heat, and my draw is pretty obvious so I don't have much implied odds. A queen could be no good. I decide my best bet is too simply fold.

I open J6d in MP when two players to my left are telegraphing folds. Both the blinds call me and hey the flop is J66 with two spades. I bet 725 when checked to, and the SB calls me. The turn is the Ah, and the SB c/c my 875 bet. River is another J, and I think for a bit then bet 1250. He calls and mucks. I made my bet small on the turn because I thought I could get him to hero call with a hand like 88 hoping that I'm bluffing the ace. I also think if I bet too big he might fold a Jack.

I literally played one hand the entire level. I opened A6s, and the lag player to my left called. The flop was QT4r with a spade, I cbet he calls. I c/f the 9 on turn as that's a really bad card for to continue on given how much of his range improves in some way or another. I can really only make him fold AT, 77 or less, as most combinations of hands that have a T make a straight draw, all straight draws improve to either a pair or a straight, and most queens will have a straight
draw. AQ won't but also won't fold to another bet anyways. Seems bad to keep betting.

I am still card dead. Only played 3 hands. I open KQ to 1600, and fold to a 3bet.
I open A9o in HJ, get called by BB, and the flop is AJ8 with two spades. He c/cs my 2250 bet, and the turn is a Ks. We both check. River is a T and he bets 4400. I don't really see how I can call here, almost everything in his flop calling range is ahead of me now.
Then the LAG opens in EP to 1600. The SB calls, and I call with 89d. The flop is Ks 7d 8h. We both check to LAG who bets around 2100, the SB calls and I call. The turn is the Ts, and the LAG bets approx 3700, we both call again. The river is a 4c, and we check to LAG who thinks then bets about 7k. The SB calls, then I ship the river for 20k more. The LAG tank calls with AA, and the SB folds two pair.

I thought my line looked a lot like 56 or a slowplayed J9. But in retrospect I realize, that I probably don't check J9 on the river because the risk that he checks behind. So I'm really only repping like one hand, and even then I might just lead the river with it. I feel somewhat stupid for trying this, but at the time I thought it looked really strong.

I also played a satellite to the high roller event but busted. I'm up around 8k in cash games now.

I'm feeling too lazy to blog much more, but LAPC coming up next.

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