Friday, February 26, 2010

Busting Day 1 Again

Felt like I played this one well, but bad luck this time.

Table draw
Seat 1: Joe Bartholdi (WPT winner)
Seat 2: Older nit, bad at bet sizing
Seat 3: FTP satellite winner
Seat 4: Barry Greenstein
Seat 5: Me
Seat 7: Older nit
Seat 8: Semi decent but tightish player
Seat 9: Middle aged thinking but baddish player

Barry opens to 150 on the button, and I toss in a 500 with Ah Ks from the SB. Dealer points out it's a call, so the BB folds. The flop is 7h 6d 2h. I lead for 250, planning to use my perceived strength on later streets. He calls. The turn is the 6h. I bet 600 and he folds.

Seat 1 limps, Seat 3 raises to 200, I call in CO with 2c 5c and 3 other calls. Flop is 9s 8c 3c. The PFR bets 500, I call, Btn calls, and the limper calls. The turn is a 4c. UTG limper leads for 2500. I think for a bit then call. River is a Td. He bets 3500. I tank for a bit and decide to call. He has Ac 7c.
It's close and might be a fold. I thought he had a flush but wasn't certain. There wasn't too much else he could have. I was planning to fold to 5k or more. Later on break he told me I thought you would fold to 5k, so I bet only 3500.

I open JJ to 300, BTN in seat 8 3bets to 1025. The BB cold calls. I call and flop is Js 8s 5h. I c/r the btn's 1675 bet to 4k and he folds.

Barry opens utg to 550. I call with AKd right behind. The flop is Td 4s 5c. He bets 700, and I float. The turn is a Jc. He bets 1300, and I float again. The river is a 3c. He bets 3k. I think this is kinda fishy, and I debate shoving, but I eventually fold. I think he bets AA-QQ smaller, so I think this has to be a backdoor flush or a set to be legit.

Seat 7 opens UTG+1 to 700. Barry calls in the SB and I call in the BB with T8s. The flop is Q95r. Everyone checks. I bet 1200 on the 4c turn, and they both call. The river 2h bricks the backdoor flush draw and I bet 2800 and they both fold.

Seat 9 opens to 500. FTP satellite guy calls in the CO, and I 3bet the SB to 1875 with AA. Seat 9 calls and the flop is TT4r. I bet 2100, and he minraises to 2100? lol, so I call. Turn is Kh, I check raise all in over his 4k bet and he folds to my 8k more.

I open 97o to 550 from CO and the BB calls. He check/calls my 300 on the A96r flop. On the turn Qc, we both check. The river he checks and I bet 600. Now he check/raises to 2200. I tank call, and he has A8o. I think I leveled myself. It's hard for me to fold the river because I never have a hand stronger than KK, and doubtful even that. So I called, because it's relatively a good spot to try to bluff me.

The HJ opens to 525 and I call with 97d and the BB calls. The flop is Jd 8h 4s. The BB leads for 875. The HJ calls and I call. The turn is a 6 giving me open ended. The BB checks and I call the HJ 3100 bet. The BB folds, which was unfortunate, because I was hoping he came along. The river bricks and the I fold to the HJs bet. He later told me he had KK which means I probably get his whole stack on a river brick.

I open KK to 750, and Seat 3 calls in the BB. The flop is Jc 4c 3s. He check/calls my 1200 bet. The turn is a 5s. He checks and I bet 2700. He moves in for 10k more after some thought. I tank for a bit and decide I have to call. He shows me 45d for turned two pair, and I brick the river. I'm down to under 3k.

Three hands later I'm in the SB with QQ. Barry G opens the button to 800. I shove for 2400 and he calls with Q3o. I'm a 94% favorite, but when the flop comes down Ac6c4s, I know I'm drawing dead. After all his equity increased to 8%. He catches running 25 and makes a straight to bust me.

Thought I played well. Mostly played my standard game the rest of the time, never really got a whole lot going.

I'll see you across the felt.

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