Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Progress Report #18: Play Bad, Get There, and WTF Tim is everywhere

Since my last post
Live Cash Games: +240
Online Cash Games: +$120.35

Net since last post: -$143.23

Winnings this year to date.
Live Cash Games: +$3,229
Online cash games: +$1,258.03
Online Tournaments: +$7,724.49
Net winnings this year: +$11,874.4


Staking: -$96

Stakes Existing:

Nate: $1,200

Winston has props for the title.
KK > AT > QQ all in on a TT5 flop. How am I supposed to give him credit for trips?

So I got a lot to report.

I've been running ok online. I have had some big swings both ways.

I played a home game at Coach Bob's house. Coach Bob is Jeff's baseball coach from high school.

I decided to mess around and ended up dumping like $240, mostly to Tim, who always seems to have my number when we play. He is a friend of Jeff's and he is a decent player.

I played the sickest hand I've ever seen there.
UTG: Coach Bob
UTG+1: Yoshi's friend
MP1: Yoshi
MP2: Me
MP3: Mike
HJ: Yoshi's Other friend
CO: Josh
BTN: Tim
SB: Winston
BB: Jeff

I have about $80 in front of me.

UTG limps, UTG+1 limps, MP1 limps, I limp in MP2 with 35o.

This is where it gets a bit crazy.
MP3 limps, HJ limps, CO raises to $4
LOL. Such a small raise only builds the pot and reopens you to getting reraised.

BTN cold calls with a huge stack like $200. SB calls, BB calls, UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, MP1 calls, I call, MP3 SHOVES for $18 and reopens action. HJ shoves over for $19.5,
CO FOLDS HAHAHAHHAHA, BTN calls, SB PUSHES FOR $24. BB calls with, all fold to me, where i'm looking at calling $20 into like a $150 pot.

I call. BTN calls and closes action.

Flop is Th 3h Tc.

Jeff (BB) pushes for $10, I have $50 behind with Tim (BTN) behind and he's itching to put his chips in.

I fold. This is debatable. However I felt there was no way I win this pot without catching a 3. I have two outs vs 66 and up, 0 outs vs any Ten and everyone had over cards and someone has to have a flush draw. So I fold.

BTN calls, hands are flipped over.

SB - Jd 7d
BB - 2c 3c
MP3 - AdQs
HJ - As 6s
BTN - Ah 6h

WTF I have the best hand.

Turn 4c, river 5h.

Jeff's 23 scoops a $200 pot. With a pair of threes.

That I had outkicked, and caught a better pair on the river.

I've played a lot of poker, and I've never seen that before. In the top 10 sickest hands for sure.

I went to Morongo on Sunday. SK and Mitch came along. SK and I played 2/5 and Mitch played $0.50/$1.

Lo and behold, I find Tim sitting at 2/5.

I get on the wait list and then get some food. SK and I play some blackjack. I lose like $70, and SK wins $50.

He laughs that he did better than me, so I pointed out that he is now only net -$1,250 in blackjack. He stopped talking.

I sat down on $2/$5 and bought in for $600. I also staked SK for $100. He sticks to short stack strategy and obv busts with AQh vs TT preflop.

Then he reloads on his own for $100, and wins like $200. Standard.

I ran pretty hot honestly. I won about $600 total, but I was up like $1,200 at one point. I got AA vs Tim, and he limp/reraised me lol. I just put a rack in and he folded. I lost a sidepot to a short stack with J8s, what Jeff calls "the super deluxe." In retrospect, when discussing with Winston, I think I should've made it like $350 or $400 opposed to $500, to keep Tim in. I had the potential to scoop like another $1,300 off of him.

Mitch lost 3 buyins at 1/3. He played ok.

SK won like $200 by only playing like 20 hands the whole day.

Nate dropped by and I gave him $1,200 for a long term stake. According to a site called PartTimePoker, which is a staking site, long term multigame stakes are called heebs. I wonder how that was decided. Anyways, I gave Nate $1,200 to play 6/12 and lower limit hold'em. He is a very good limit player, and the agreement is a 60/40 cut for the backer. He doesn't have a bankroll right now, so he's looking to find a way to build one. Assuming he doesn't run terrible, this should be profitable for both of us.

Rob went to the Las Vegas with his fiance on Friday. He played the $1,500 WSOP event #39 on Saturday. He made day 2, and cashed for about $3,100. I think he was like 172 place out of 2700+. Very nice job Rob.

Then we played another home game at Rob's house. Jenaya (his fiance) wanted to learn how to play Hold'em a bit better, so we played a casual game. I sucked out on Winston once, and then didn't catch anything for the rest of the night. Shrugs. I wasn't playing very seriously, I was mostly just enjoying it. Once again Tim was there, and once again Tim took all my money. -$120 there.

It's been a fun week, gotta say. Winston wants to start golfing regularly. It does seem like something I would enjoy, so I might actually try it out seriously.

I'll see you across the felt.

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