Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Progress Report #7: UPDATED, School Begins and Big Score

Updated as of Jan 24, 2008

Sorry. I promised I would get a strategy post up, but I haven't had the time to finish it yet. The post will be on pot odds and how it factors into your decision making when bluffing and playing drawing hands. It takes a bit more effort to make a strategy post, since I can't just fill it up with random nonsense.

School started last Monday. I was sick the first day of school, and still have a chronic cough. We played a home game the Sunday before school started, played again on Wednesday and again on this past Sunday. I played online a bit as well and still managed to get my homework done. Winston is going to make this a degenerate semester, lol. But seriously, I actually plan to focus at lot on my classes this time around. I want to bring my GPA up.

Results - Estimated since I'm not at home and don't have my database. Will fix it later.

EDIT: Updated.

Live cash games, net winnings: +$300
Online cash games, net winnings: -$121.28 Apparently, I did better than I thought.
Online Tournaments, net winnings: +$2,467

Winnings this year to date.
Live Cash Games: +$216
Online cash games: -$118.2
Online Tournaments: +$2,467
Tournament ROI: 6592% (Not Sustainable lol)

So I ran bad at our home game, and then ran worse online, but I ran quite good in the tournament, so it all balances out. I entered a $35+3 bounty tournament with a $8,000 guaranteed prize pool. The buyin is split up into $30 for the prize pool, $5 for the bounty pool, and $3 for the house rake. The tournament had about 320-350 players at the beginning. I held up a lot as a 55/45 and 60/40 which is always nice. I also won a critical hand on the final table, that basically put me as a huge favorite to win. The button had about 80k in chips, and I had about 100k. When the blinds are 2000/4000 he raises to about 18k on the button. I think and decide my AQc is way ahead of his raising range on the button, and there is a good amount in already, so I push over his raise. He snap calls my all in with KK. Opps, he had a real hand.
I actually win my 30/70, and eliminate him. After flopping an ace, I now I have a monster stack and proceed to dominate the rest of the final table by playing big stack strategy. I'll be honest, I'm almost never folding AQ suited to a button raise, and even if I had just called I would've flopped an ace and gotten a large number of his chips. After I busted him, we were down to five players, and I took them all out too. Winning was worth about $2,430 and I took out 13 players along the way so I netted another $65.
I plan to withdraw about $1,400 and leave another $1,300 online to grind 50nl with.

There was a fun hand I played heads up. I was playing extremely aggresively heads up, and I think I tilted him pretty hard. The way he played this was quite marginal in my opinion.

I have 78o from the button. Heads up is played with the small blind on the button, and the BB out of position. Since, I had been raising the button a lot (any two cards practically) I decided to just complete this time. Stacks are about 200k each, he has a minor lead. Blinds are 3000/6000 now.
He checks his option and we see a flop.
Flop is 258r.
He bets outs 14k. I call him.
Turn is a 8 and it brings out a flush draw. He bets 35k or so. I call him again, hoping I can get all his chips in the river.
The river is a 4, making a possible straight with 76. He bets out 85k, and I push all in, thinking, well if he really has trips beat heads up, I guess he wins.

He snap called.

And showed 62o.

I fell out of my chair laughing.

I put him all in for his last 20k with 65c and he called with T2d. I flopped a 6 and take him out. He called me a donk afterwards, I found that amusing.

I can't say I played perfectly, after all no one ever does. But I think I played quite well and ran good and that's what it takes to win a tournament.

Post on pot odds coming up next.

Jan 24, 2008.
We had a home hame on Wednesday. I finally got Winston GOOD. It started off normal, I got AQc all in preflop vs Rob's face up 69o and Winston's T8d. Winston wins it, I reload 200 more.

I get AA vs Winston's KK and double.

Then after messing around for a while, I get into another monster pot with Winston. Remember this is a $0.50/$1 game.

Alex raises to $5, Winston calls, I reraise with K9o. Not a normal play by any means, but I have position and decide to make a play at the pot. It folds back around to Winston who calls my $20 raise. The flop is K74r. He checks I bet $30, he calls me. The turn card is a 2 that makes the board completely rainbow. He checks, I check behind. The river is a Ten and he pushes all in. And I think and think and think. I have this sick nagging feeling, that Winston is on a HUGE bluff. He basically put me all in for another $250 when the pot is $100. I go with my gut and make the call, and he shows me 93o. That made my day.

Nate ended the game up about $1100, I left +$460.

I updated my net winnings above taking this into account and also looking up exactly where I am online.

Ja ne.

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