Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Update and answer to last hand

I'll start with my hand from my previous blog update.

After going into the tank on the river, I decided to fold. I didn't she would lead a 6 on the river when the board paired, and I didn't think she could be bluffing with anything except something like 7c 5c. I also thought she was convinced I had a straight, and decided to lead big for value, not expecting me to fold a 6, let alone JT. I showed my fold, and I could see she was shocked. At the table she said she had 67, but afterward she quit the game, she told me she had 55. I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth about the set of fives, I don't think she would play 67 like that.


Cash Games
Live $587.00
Online ($5,117.28)

Live ($824.75)
Online $3,134.97

Poker ($2,220.06)

Staking ($2,406.00)

Other Gambling $2,051.00
Month's Expenses $0.00
Net on month ($2,575.06)

Got destroyed this month playing online. I also took pieces of Zach playing online, and he also got destroyed when I had a piece of him.

The only good news is I turned a profit on props and blackjack this month. When I took a trip out to Agua Caliente, I found a double deck with small minimums. I decided to give counting a shot when I wasn't drunk, and actually won about $1,000. Might try again, but I've sworn to only play on double or single deck games where I think I'm a favorite to win. No shoes. No matter what. Also, no drinking while playing either.

Hopefully, I can turn things around. Poker has been incredibly frustrating lately. I do have one pretty sick story though.
On Ultimate Bet, there is a bad beat jackpot. Somehow in the past week it got to over a million.
When it was around 950k, I got into a hand where I had 99 vs JJ, and the flop came out J93r. I bet, and he called. The turn was a 9. I bet again, and he raised, and I gleefully got it all in. He missed and I felted him.

I never wanted to lose a pot so bad in my life.
If he rivered the case Jack, I would've gotten about 330k. Would've erased a year or two worth of run bad. Unfortunately, I had to settle for the pot. I ran about 11k below EV that hand. How funny is that. I won the whole pot and ran below EV.

I'll see you across the felt.

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