Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Progress Post #13.2: Trip Report #2 and taking a beating online.

Since my last post (two posts ago technically) (Not yet updated)

Tournaments: -$147.95
Online Cash Games: -$1,148.32
Live Cash Games: +$725

Net since last post: -$571.27

Winnings this year to date.
Live Cash Games: +$3,069
Online cash games: -$348.07
Online Tournaments: +$3155.07

Net winnings this year: +$5,876

I've been getting brutalized online. I manged to satalite in the FTP 750k and busted with AKo <> just called. But there is really no point. The only way I fold postflop is if an AQJ hits the board. But if I truly feel he has AA, I should fold preflop. I feel he could have other hands, I'm better off pushing preflop. He's isnt folding his hand after putting 1/3 of his stack in preflop, so there is really no difference.

Anyways, it folds back around to the rock, who dutifully puts in the remainder of his stack. Before the flop even comes out, I tell him "You have aces, I just can't fold this hand."

The flop comes out Q74, which means I lose to QQ now too. It didn't bother me much, I was pretty sure I was already beat. The turn and river brick and sure enough he showsdown AA, and scoops the pot.

I reload $500 more, and then Rob lends me $200. So I'm in for 8 bills now.

I ended up running card dead for about another 4 hours. It's about 2 AM and we are playing 5 handed. It's been slow because there is now Rob, the fish who doubled me earlier, the LAG, me and some random tight guy. We're all gunning for the fish, but I keep getting bad beat, or blown off my hand, so I'm down to about $500.

Finally the LAG leaves, the tight guy leaves, and a bunch of fresh players come in. It's like 3:30AM. They seem happy and full of gamble and just like that, the table shifts from being a bad table to a great one. Rob quickly gets it all in with AK vs QQ on a Kxx flop. It was pretty funny. Rob checked it, the guy bet $150 into an $80 pot. Terrible play. Rob check raises all in, and covers the guy's $500 stack. The guy snapcalls (another terrible play) and loses. Rob is now up $600 and gets up to go to Starbucks. I wait around for cards. I get KK and make it $30 and end up with 5 callers! The flop came out Q77. I keep seeing small bets on every street and make crying calls. The fish has K7 and the other guy had AQ. The fish never once bet or raised his trips. It sucked.

I brick with a bunch of hands and keep getting laughed at by this guy. He's really bad, but he's starting to tick me off. Justice is served as I proceed to stack him with my flush draw. I'm up to about $500 again, and immediately, I lose $200 back to a maniac. The TAG on my right calls a minraise on the btn and I call with 97o in the SB. Flop comes out Kc8c6s. I c/c against the tag and spike a T. I check/raise him all in, and he has K8 and I hold up. I keep missing my other hands and I get back down to $300 again.
One of those brutal hands is when I 3bet to $90 with QQ against the maniac. I'm in the SB and of course I get three callers. That's fine. The calling station limp/calls a reraise, the maniac tags along, and the bad TAG on the btn calls. The flop, of course, comes out AK6r.
I check, and everyone checks behind. Now I'm feeling a lot better about my hand, but I still have to be careful. The turn is a 2 making the whole board rainbow. I check again, the calling station checks, and the maniac of course bets out $200. The TAG moans then folds. I think a long time. I have $400 about, so my check raise is practically an auto call if he has anything. I'm beat by a king and ace and set. I feel the A and set are very unlikely and he is very bluffy, so likely I'm ahead. However the calling station behind is so ready to put the rest of his chips in the middle, I decide to fold.

They have 67o and 99. I would've scooped a pot pushing $1.2 k. =/ Well I was right with my hand reading.

Finally around 6AM, I get my break. I call a reasonably small raise, and then c/r all in with A8c on an 8 high flop. Well apparently the maniac woke up behind me, and crammed for over $1k on top. The tag folds KK! And the maniac shows QQ. I spike an ace and scoop a $800 pot.

Then I get QTs and flop top pair on a T high flop. The aggresive asian kid who was laughing at me had reloaded at this point. He bet the flop, and both the calling station and I called. The turn bricks, and he pushes all in. Both the calling station and I call again. The river is a 3rd diamond and I'm not happy. The calling station checks, and I check behind. The calling station shows A6 for a pair of sixes and the kid shows 99. I scoop another $600 pot and I'm gone and out the door with a net win of $575. I got my car washed at Morongo for $6 and then we drove home.

I got home around 10 AM and slept.

Lately I've started to get back into Limit Hold'Em. I forgot how much fun it is to play different games. Poker is still about fun to me, and for most people it's good to mix up your games sometimes.

See you across the felt.

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