Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hand of the day

Hand of the day - $5/$5 NLHE
Lesson: Understanding how specific cards dynamically alter equities
Difficulty: Moderate
Applicable: Fairly often
History: We know each other fairly well, he is a fairly tight player preflop, and plays pretty well, occasionally spews

Jonathan opens CO to 20 and I have Q7c on the button with $800 effective stacks. I 3bet to $70. The big blind cold calls, Jonathan calls. Flop is AQ7r. Checks to me and I bet 175. Jonathan check/calls. Turn J. He checks I bet 275 and he shoves for a minraise. I call. He has AJ and I lose.

Preflop: I'm facing a cutoff open, and I know he will significantly widen his raising range from this position. He will usually fold to a 3bet, and will occasionally call, making him tight passive in response to a 3bet. I think Q7c flops well enough to 3bet, he will usually be folding and occasionally I might hit a huge hand. Having the big blind cold call makes Jonathan significantly widen his calling range preflop.

Flop: pretty standard value bet not much to think about. If I get check raised, it would be pretty gross. I might have to fold.

Turn: this turn card smashes exactly one hand in his range. AJ. However I think that is a large portion of his c/c range as he might fold ATo and lower preflop, leaving him with only suited aces combos. Even if he has AT this turn hasn't dropped his equity by much because of the added straight draw. I think I should either bet/fold to a raise, or check behind and call a river bet if he checks, and valuebet if he checks. I feel like I played this turn poorly because this is one of the worst turn cards in the deck, yet I bet/called off. I was hoping he might have AK, but that hand would probably 4bet preflop meaning his entire jamming range has me beat on the turn. I also think my turn bet sizing was bad because I struggled really hard with folding two pair for a minraise all in.

Cliff notes, should've folded to turn minraise, should've checked back turn.

I'll see you across the felt.

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