Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Progress Report #22 - Crazy game at the Hustler.

I sat down at 5/5 at the Hustler on Monday.

Here's a quick timeline

4pm - Let the games begin
Sit down at 6/12 limit hold'em while waiting for 5/5. I lose about a $100, which I'm still not sure if that's because I'm bad or ran bad. I'm not excellent at limit hold'em but my opponents seemed even worse. I moved to 5/5 and quickly won my money back and then some.

5pm - May the force be with you?
I'm up a few hundred dollars. Jerry (Seat 8) is getting heckled by the floor because he has assembled a unique structure (?) made out of his chips. I didn't see the issue, he knew exactly how much it was. I told him that if it came down to it, I would make sure to bet exactly $364 and he could just switch seats with me.

A closer inspection reveals Yoda is on top of his stack. No wonder he kept winning pots. Rob got a good laugh out of this one.

Yoda: Three of Diamonds on the river, the force tells me. Call you must!

Nothing special happens for a while, I steal a few pots from the tight pretty solid guy on my right. He is named Goran (?) and he is Serbian. Very nice guy, he's lived here for 18 years.

Two guys bust and another guy leaves, claiming the game is too tight. He left about 5 minutes too soon.

6PM: The game gets good.
I'm up about $500, and then two manaics sit down. A fish I've played with before sits down as well, and then an unknown sits down in seat 1. He quickly proves he's another fish.

Table breakdown.
Seat 1: Fishy unknown middle aged guy (FG)
Seat 2: Goran, solid tag, has about $1k in front of him.
Seat 3: Maniac 1 has tons of money. He is giving seat 6 money. Literally. He bought both of them in. (M1)
Seat 4: Me
Seat 5: uh.... Sorry forgot your name. Plays tight, and plays ok.
Seat 6: Maniac 2, also a station. He never folds, but also will go randomly aggro? Friends with seat 3. (M2)
Seat 7: Rock
Seat 8: Jerry at first, a rock replaces him later.
Seat 9: Fishy lady (FL)

Maniac 1 is playing 95/75/1
Maniac 2 is playing 85/20/0.5
Fishy lady is 60/5/0
Fishy unknown is 50/10/2.5

For those unused to stats, the first number means the percentage of hands they play. The second number is the number of hands they raise preflop, and the third number is aggression. Aggression is measured by the amount they bet and raise divided by how often they check and call. Generally an aggresion level of 3+ is considered aggresive, 1-3 is semi aggresive, and less than 1 is passive.

To give you an idea just how bad M1 and M2, M1 makes it $35 utg, M2 calls and then some others call.

The flop is 7d 6d 2d.

M2 bets $20, M1 raises to $200, M2 shoves for $600.

M2: I have two pairs. Again.

He always says he has two pairs.

M1: I can't fold. Even if you have two pairs.
Me: Do you even have a diamond?
M1 (with a sneer): Of course I do! CALL!

brick on turn and the Jd hits the river.

M2 tables 62o.
M1 tables 9d 3c


Yea, this is against each other, but they are doing it vs other people too.
M2 walks over to M1, and M1 gives him another $500.

7PM: I run so bad at life.

Up about $700 but not for long.

I straddle pick up 44, and check, taking the flop 6 way. It comes out 345r, and I check planning to check/raise fully expecting maniac 2 to bet. He obliges me by betting $20. Fishy lady calls, fishy unknown calls, Goran raises to $100. This suprised me. However, his raising range is very wide (relatively) because he can easily value raise A5, two pairs, sets both higher and lower, and even any pair + any straight draw, because there is a ton of dead money in the middle and his opponents play terribly. Maniac 1 makes it $500! I don't hesitate at all with my set of fours and jam $1,200 in the middle. Maybe John folds, but I kinda doubt it. I'll ask later.

If my play seems kind of crazy, please note that there were only 3 folds preflop and none on the flop... 8 way raised pots to the flop was standard for this game. We even had a 8 way reraised pot to the flop. While having 6 people see the flop means that it is more likely someone flopped a straight in an absolute sense, also realize that because they play so loosely, they also have a huge range of other hands they could have here.

Maniac 1 folds, Fishy lady calls off $500. Fishy unknown folds, Goran looks at me, double checks his hand and then mucks. M2 snap calls.

The turn is a 7d.

River is a blank Q.

M2 shows A6o
FL shows 64o.

I table 44 and frusteratedly reach in my pocket for 3 more white chips. ($100)

Not long after I get AA, reraise it to 90 preflop and get cold called by M2 in the BB, limp/called by FL, and called by M1.

Flop comes out Kd Qc Qd

Not exaclty stellar, but everyone checks to me on the button. I bet $150 and get called by M2 and FL who is all in. (she somehow lost like $400 in this time.)

M2 asks if I want to check down. I say no, since I assume I have him beat if he asks that.

M2: I have a queen.
Me: Really? Show me.
M2: OK.

And he shows me a Queen.

Me: ...... ok I check down.
The turn is a 4 and he immediately exclaims he made a full house.

Another 4 hits the river and M2 tables Q4o. FL tables QTo.

My aces hit the muck.

In the next BB I pick up 88, and jam for about $300 when there is about $150 of dead money in the middle. I get called in four spots (lol standard), and the flop comes out Ac 3c 3h.

FG shoves the flop for like 400.
M2: Wow I don't think you have it.

He hasn't been right even once so far.

M2: Sir, I don't think you realize how much of a gambler I am.
FG: What do you mean?
M2 turns over KQs.
M2: I am going to call you, I think.
FG: You are drawing to a backdoor if you call.
M2: I don't think you have it. I call.

FG flips over Ad Qh.

lol... as if he's bluffing into a protected pot, with 5 way action with anything less than a flush draw.

I have 88 with a club.
When the Tc hits the turn my hopes go up, as I now have a chance to win the pot with any 8 and any club.
River is a dream crusher and I'm on my way to the ATM.

I put out some phone calls and text messages to see if anyone can drive to the casino and lend me money in case I go broke. My max withdrawal limit on the ATM is $500, which is only 1 buyin.

Lucky for me I don't need it.

8PM: Goran is up to about $2k now.

I have finally figured out my game plan now. Make huge raises to iso the chip dumpers and take them to value town postflop with as little as Ace high. At this point, I feel like I developed strong enough reads of them that tell when they will call it off postflop. If 6+ people go to the flop, my ability to extract value is very limited as generally its been two pair+ winning hands.

I get KJo, and 3bet M1 to $100. M2 cold calls me anyways, and so does M1.

The flop is gin KK7r. M2 checks, M1 bets out $200, I jam for $200 more. M2 calls off his remaining $250, and M1 calls.

The turn is a 2 and the river is a Q.

M2 tables A3o, M1 tables A9o.

I scoop the $1250 pot.

Hey look I'm even on the night now. (just about)

I get QQ and stack MP2 by limping UTG when he straddles, and then reraising to $200. He calls, and then open shoves a 7 high flop with KJo. I hold up and add another $500 to my stack.

I limp ATo utg when he straddles again. This time he checks and hte flop goes 7 way. I value bet $55 on the Ace high flop and only get called by M2. I bet $150 on the turn, and $300 on the river and stack him too. It's kind of funny getting called when you have top pair basically no kicker and watching them instamuck and get shipped another buyin.

I finish off the night by straddling. I get A9s, and M1 makes it $50. I make it $150 and we go HU with about 800 more behind. Flop comes out Ad Js 7d. He checks and I value bet $240. He calls. The turn is another 7, which is an ugly card. He checks to me though, and my read is he would valuebet trips, so I fire another $300. He quickly calls.
The river is an 8c, and he checks again. I bet his remaining $270 or so, and he calls.

And disgustedly mucks when he sees my hand. lol

Other notable pots include when Goran limp/reraised with QJo when M1 just lost a big pot. I didn't like it personally since I thought M1 was folding 0% of the time. He drew out on 99.

Later he made quads kings and missed some value vs M1 by not just betting every street.

I thought Goran didn't adjust well for his opponents. Since they we're so crazy, it was just better to just play hands straight foward. He was kinda nitty, so it didn't suprise me much. While he was good for a 5/5 player, he wasn't amazing or anything. He's probably a solid winner in that game though.

I ended up cashing out with $3,900 which meant I won $2,600. Solid.
The floorman, Paul I think, asked me how much they dropped. I told him about $6-10k (I lost track, they reloaded so much)
Apparently our table had a waiting list over 20 people. So sick. I asked if Paul could call me if the 5/10 game at the Hustler ever runs. And to call me if those guys ever come back. He took my phone number. We'll see if I get to play some bigger local games now.

I'll see you across the felt.

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