Sunday, October 19, 2008

Progress Report #24 -Tilt Hard Indeed

So basically, this has been the worst week of my life. Up until Monday, October was going pretty well for me. But now, I'm in a shitty spot.
This has been a mix of really bad luck and really, really bad play.
None of this counts online which hasn't been going stellar either.

Monday: -$510 in tournaments

Tuesday: -$5,000 at 5-10. Got coolered for a $7,000 pot and played like shit after that.

Thursday: -$255 in a tournament. -$2000 at 5-10

Friday: -$1,000 playing 50-100 limit hold'em, -$150 at 5-5

Saturday: Won $1,500 OMG

Sunday: -$550 in a tourney, -$500 at 25-50 limit hold'em , -$4,000 at 5/10, lost two coinflips for about 2k, got caught bluffing for about 2k

Overall net: -$12,465

I feel like shooting myself. (Not literally)

My bankroll has been obliterated. I played games I was underrolled for and paid the price.

I have a bunch of money lent out, that I plan to start collecting on. I probably have close to $4,000 in outstanding debt.

I'm gonna take a break from poker until I collect on some of that. Time to go knocking on doors and blowing out people's kneecaps.

I won't see you across the felt, (for a while.)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monthly Report - September

Online Cash Games:
September: -$973.70
YTD: -$1,974.37

Onine Tournaments:
September: -$215
YTD: +$3,390.82

Live Cash Games:
September: +$4,086
YTD: +$12,883

Live Tournament Poker:
September: -$2,045
YTD: -$5

Net for poker:
September: +$852.3
YTD: +$13,651.45

Stakes: -$200
September: -$200
YTD: -$2,436.81

(Cake is counted as negative)

Total Net for the month: +$652.3
YTD: +$11,414.64

I decided that as long as I keep an accurate log of where I’m going to play, it’s a built in record of my trip expenses.
Comments on September: I killed it in Vegas, but got absolutely killed at the beginning of the month. I played too many expensive live tournaments and ran bad. W/e.

I bought a bunch of books.
Elements of Poker: $37.12
What Every Body is Saying, Read'Em and Reap, and Ace on the River: $44.33
Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em 29.95
Pot-Limit Omaha Poker $14.16
I finished most of them. They are quite good for the most part. I definitely needed to work on my non technical game, and a lot of these books are helping me with that.

I'll see you across the felt.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Progress Report #23 - HORSE and No Limit Hold'Em

Short post today. (relatively)

I played an Omaha 8 or better tournament the other day. A small buyin, only $5.50.

Jeff played too. I ran pretty good and made it to the final table handily. We were down to 3 handed when I got disconnected from the internet. Time Warner had an outage.
Bad timing right? At least it wasn't HU like vs that other guy a while ago.
I took down about $100 for that.

On Monday I went to Hollywood Park and played 20/40 stud with a half kill. I killed that too. Won about a dime, but lost around $400-500 in hold'em before I sat down at stud. As long as I'm up on the day right? I hadn't played stud in a while so I asked Jeff about some of the hands. This is probably the most interesting hand.

A quick note about stud. The cards in the parenthesis are the hole cards, and going left to right are the cards on my board. So the left most card is my door card, and then 4th street, 5th, and 6th. The 7th card is dealt face down. Stud is also a limit game, meaning the amount anyone can bet at any given time is set. On the 3rd card, a.k.a. 3rd street, and 4th street there is a $20 bet, and on 5th, 6th and 7th street, it is a $40 bet. Despite it sounding like a bigger game than 5/10 no limit hold'em, it's actually a smaller game.
A kill means that when someone wins a pot X big, the stakes for the next pot go up. In this case the stakes go up to 30/60 since its half again as big. Hence a half kill.

We are playing a kill pot. I'm not 100% sure on the suits but I know if it was like 3 tone or 2 tone.

The bring in is on my left. He posts $5 with a 2 showing.

Weak tighty calls with Qc up.
Bad short stack fish raises with 7d up.
Mediocre player calls with something up (not a scary card) 5 maybe?

I have (8h 8s)Th and reraise to $60.
The bring in folds (He is a teacher at LMU apparently. More on that later.)
(X X)Qc calls two bets lol.
(X X) 7d puts the remainder in. It's $75 total.
(X X) 5x calls.

I can't reraise, so I call.

(X X) Qc 2s
(X X) 7d Ah (all in)
(X X) 5x Jx
(8s 8h) Th 7s

It checks around. I declined to bet into such a bad board.

(X X) Qc 2s 5c
(X X) 7d Ah X (all in)
(X X) 5x Jx X
(8s 8h) Th 7s Ts

I bet out with my two pair. Qc calls.

(X X) Qc 2s 5c 9c
(X X) 7d Ah X X(all in)
(8d 8h) Th 7s Ts Kd

I bet again and get raised. Uglyyyyyyyyyy. I don't think Mr. Weak tighty raises a worse hand. I know I have 4 outs to a boat, since none of them came on the board, so I call one more bet.

River 8c.

My hand (88) T 7 T K (8)
I check, he thinks then checks behind. I wanted to c/r there, but he didn't give me the chance.

I table my boat and scoop the pot. He had a flush.
I run good.

So the teacher teaches Math at LMU apparently. He might join us in our home games. We'll have to see. He seems quite solid, and we both came up a lot at stud.

Yesterday, I played $100nl deep online with Winston and John. The blinds were $0.50/$1. John and I sat down first and got the table started. It was a CRAZY night. Wow John decided he was going to outplay me. Now you get to see the hand histories. Note my stack size each hand.

We were playing a pretty normal HU match at first. This is when it started to get crazy.

Step 2 to making John dump 10 buyins at 100nl.

It's not hard to outplay a calling station. Just valuebet.

Honestly this hand I was gonna c/c down with Ace high since that was a good flop. But actually hitting the Ace and then seeing 4 diamonds roll off probably means I should fold, since John is definitely capable of valuebetting any hand that can beat a pair of Aces. He probably thought I wouldn't fold an Ace (he was right as you can see), and would valuebet super thin there. In retrospect, I think this was an easy fold.

Check/call river or bet out? Not sure here. John said he had an 8.

It's hard to outplay a calling station.

Honestly, I dunno what I was think this hand. I just really had a sick gut feeling I should call. My initial thought was actually to 4bet preflop, and then call a 5bet shove. I dunno what the right line is here. We've reached the point where our cards matter less than what level we're thinking on.

This hand is just flat out hilarious. I snap called his shove.

Winston finally sits down and I start taking his money too.

John said he put me exactly on the hand I had, and then shoved. LOL

This one was kinda wierd. I'm not really sure what to make of it. If he bets the turn I'm in a pretty sick spot.

This is one of the few times I actually folded a pair to John. I'm not really sure if I should call or not, its super marginal. I did valuebet really thin, since I fully expected to get looked up by Ace high or even worse. I also thought he might bluff and value raise this too. I might've been better off c/c ing.

This one was bad. I should've gone with my read and folded, but I thought this could be a really good spot for John to make a bluff raise.

My strategy for Hold'Em is so simple.

Run Like The Sun

WTF I get no respect.

This one is kinda interesting. I don't think John had it (not that I ever did), but like I honestly think if I flat/3bet, he might 4bet me with complete air. I don't know if I can call that. Flatting twice seems horrendous. I think I have to fold.

I bought a bunch of books lately.

Elements of Poker by Tommy Angelo
Read'Em and Reap by Joe Navarro (and Hellmuth I guess)
What Every Body is Saying by Joe Navarro (He is ex-FBI interrogator I think)
Pot Limit Omaha by Jeff Hwang
Ace on the River by Barry Greenstein.

And I still have to read for school too. Lol.

I'll see you across the felt.